One Year Previous

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One Year Previous 

"She's in labor?!" I heard a shout downstairs. Whoa, wait. My sister was in labor already? I jumped up from my bed and rushed downstairs into the kitchen. My mom had a phone pressed to her ear as she frantically looked for the car keys. She was having quite a loud conversation with the person on the other end. I glanced around and saw the keys on the bread basket. I grabbed them and my mothers arm, heading to the garage. 

My mother sighed into the phone as she buckled herself into the passenger seat.

"How long has she been in labor, Shane?" Ah, Shane, my brother in law. Never on my mom's good side. There was always something she was blaming him for. A muffled response came from the phone as I pulled our old Honda out of the garage and down the road. I glanced over at her. She was glaring through the wind shield, making sure to find some fault in Shane's response. I chuckled quietly and looked back at the road, pulling onto the freeway. My mother sighed, yet again, and shut her phone. 

"She's been in labor for 2 hours already. Why didn't he call sooner?" This question was obviously not directed at me so I kept quiet. She looked over at me with raised eyebrows. 

"Why are you so quiet? Your going to be an uncle soon! This is a big day! No nevermind, don't say anything, I know why you're so quiet."  She gave a satisfied nod and looked back ahead. Maybe I should know what she's assumed... 

"And why would that be?" I asked hesitantly, turning onto an off ramp. My mom looked at me as if I was a 2 year old. 

"Sweety, you're jealous." Yup, never let her assume anything. I burst out laughing and looked at her. She was taken aback by my sudden outburst and raised her eyebrows questioningly. I shook my head and pulled into the hospital parking lot, still quite amused by her remark. 

"Mom, why would I be jealous? I've never wanted kids. Heck! I'm only 17! I still have some time to go if I ever even want to get married." I countered with a smirk, pulling into a parking space and switching the car off. I looked over at the woman glaring at me. Oh god, I forgot this was a touchy subject. She's always wanted me to have kids, claiming "they would be cuter than a gumdrop!". I cleared my throat and looked ahead, afraid I would choke under the intensity of her glower. 

"I... uh... mean, if I ever find someone to marry," I stammered, keeping my eyes straight ahead,"and I guess I would go from there. You know, me not being the only person deciding in the matter." Why are we discussing this? I'm only 17 for crying out loud! I swear this woman has my life planned out in a book down to every breath. It's kind of frightening. 

"Yes, well, I don't want to be late for the arrival of my grandchild." Her voice had an accusing tone in it as she got out of the car and made her way towards the front doors. I groaned and slammed my head against the wheel, jumping when the horn went off. I slowly got out of the car and locked it, shuffling towards the hospital. I was in no hurry to watch the drama unfold in the delivery room. Wait, I was in no hurry to even be in a delivery room at all. 

I walked through the doors and saw nurses and patients rushing around. I frowned as I saw a gurney rushed passed the front desk. The clothes on the body were soaked in blood and water. A knotted mess of blonde hair covered the person's head. The doctors were frantically trying to save the patient even as they rushed down the hall. I shuddered at the thought of what the scene looked like. Thank God I wasn't involved in that. 

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