Chapter 1

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I sat in the middle of the forest near my neighborhood with my notepad and pencil, trying to sketch my view. I heard something moving near me. I turned my head towards the noise. I was so quiet that a deer didn't notice me. I love it when this happens. I get to be up close with nature.

I shifted on the log I was sitting on to get a better look. It was eating some grass. It glanced up and saw me. We both stared at eachother. It didn't see me as a threat so she continued eating. After a while I started to walk towards the creek. I sat on a tree branch that fell across the creek and put my feet in the water. I watched the small wild fish swim around in the shallow water.

When it started to get dark I started to walk home. I saw the log I sat on earlier and knew I was going the right way. eventually I made it out of the forrest. Once I made it to the side of the road it was dark. I better hurry home before my mom worries.

I walked along the road towards my neighborhood, then I saw something moving in the street. As I got closer I saw the out line of a dog. It was limping, struggling to get across the street.

I can't just leave it there. What if it gets hit by a car? I whistled, trying to get it to come to me. I looked both ways before I walked over to the dog. I stood beside it. It didn't try to bite me when I reached down to help give it support. I lifted the dog up a little, it was too heavy for me to carry. I looked around for cars nervously.

I lifted it up a little trying to take some of the weight off the dog so it'll be easier for it to walk. It kept limping but it was making progress towards the edge of the street. We were almost there until I saw a bright light come around the corner really fast. I planned on pushing the dog out the way then jump out of the way in time.

I successfully pushed the dog to safety, but that's all I accomplished in my plan. I could hear the car screech to a stop, then there was silence. I was lying on the ground, adrenaline rushing through me. I didn't feel the pain I expected after the car hit me. The man stood over me, his mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear him. He pulled his phone out quickly and started tapping the screen. Then everything was dark.


I opened my eyes. My heart was beating so fast and I started to hyperventilate. I'm scared. I looked at the moon and for some reason I felt safe, I wasn't scared anymore. It was big, bright, and beautiful.

I don't remember anything. All I know is that my name is Orianna because that's what the moon told me.

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