Chapter Six - Daniel

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Julia's POV

October 9, 2016

I walked down the stairs, my head pounding from the studying I just did. When I looked up, I saw a tall figure with dark brown hair and the same eyes as me. He sat at the kitchen counter. "Dan?" I said, and ran over to him, giving him a hug. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and ruffled my hair. "What are you doing here, and is Bella here?"

"I wanted to come and visit you guys, and no, Bella isn't with me. She's with her grandparents in Maine. Elisha let me in just twenty minutes ago." I smile and give him another hug. I haven't seen him for months; he lives in New York, close to my mom with his girlfriend, Bella.

"Oh good, you came down to see Daniel. I didn't want to call you because I knew you were studying," Elisha laughs, walking into the kitchen. Dan and I smirk at each other. Dan lived with us when he went to school, and then went to New York every break with mom, because he didn't like Elisha much. It was just hard for him to adjust since my mom and dad split up when he was six years old. It was super hard for him to see my dad with another woman, too, even years after.

"Well, do you have anything to do today?" He asks, and I shake my head. He smiles.

"Good, wanna go to Jack's?"

"Yes, of course! How could I say no to Jack's?" I chuckle, Jack's was a restaurant that Dan would take me to every weekend or anytime after I had a big volleyball or swimming event.

When we get to the restaurant, we pick a booth and the waitress comes up to the two of us. I remember her, and so does she, "I haven't seen these two friendly faces in a while," she laughs, and Dan and I both smile at her.

We order some pasta and salad and talk for a while before our food arrives. Daniel seems pretty into Bella, and they've been dating since their senior year. Dan went to school back in Maryland like we did up until this year so he graduated from my other high school.

"So, Kat's dating someone, right?" I look up, surprised.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I ask, and Daniel laughs.

"I saw her this morning before you came down, when I talked to her, her eyes seemed kinda not in reality and whenever she's like that I know she likes and is possibly dating someone." I sip my water, and swallow it quickly. Dan's pretty attentive and his cognitive abilities are perfect for his job. He's a data analyst.

"Yeah, he's actually famous. Ever heard of the Dolan Twins?" Daniel turns his head and raises his eyebrows, giving me an incredulous stare.

"Yes, as in Ethan and Grayson? Bella's obsessed with them, she loves their videos and vines." His eyes widen even more as I nod.

"She's dating Grayson. I find Ethan very annoying though, he's my lab partner." Dan puts up his hand, and runs it through his dark hair.

"So you guys go to the same school as them?" I nod, once again.

"That's nuts!"

~Kathlyn's POV~

My feet tap on the hard floor as I make my way out onto the stage by myself. I have a solo for dance, and the adjudicators are ominously staring me down. The first chord of Elastic Heart by Sia starts playing, and my body glides along the stage.

I feel my legs lift myself into the air, and my hair whips behind me, the ponytail loosening. The world spins around me as I turn, once facing the judges, my back is now to them.

Cause I've got thick skin, and an elastic heart, but your blade it might be too sharp..

I fall to the ground lightly, clawing the ground like it's some cage I'm trapped in. I know Grayson is out there, those charming eyes watching me. It puts pressure on me but calms me at the same time.

You won't see me fall apart, 'cause I've got an elastic heart..

My knees are pulled to my chest, and I lay my head into them as the last note rings in my ears. The crowd screeches around me and I see the judges talking to each other, and I exit the stage.

By the time I'm at the door, Grayson is there, hair messily put around, which just makes me admire him even more. He gives me a hug but is interrupted by some other girls asking for a picture. I politely step aside but still feel kinda jealous. I should get used to it though, if I want to be with him.

Hey guys!! Sorry for this filler chapter, next chapter will be a lot better! I'll update that one pretty soon :) Anyway, how was your day? Mine was kinda bad but then I watched a ton of Shawn Mendes with James Corden videos on #LateLateShawn and I was suuuuper cheered up! I hope your day is going well, if it's not, hopefully this made it better! Okay, well here's the question of the day!

Question #6 is.... Who or what is your spirit animal?

Mine is definitely Nolan Dolan XD

I gotta go now, lovelies!! Have a good day/night wherever you are!

-Tashi xx

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