32☆Shadow Play

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When David's father got a new job, the family had to pack up and move to a new town. David wasn't happy about the move. He had to leave his entire life behind and he was nervous about having to go to a new school and try to make a bunch of new friends.

On the day the family moved into the new house, David just carried carried his boxes into his new bedroom, but he didn't bother unpacking anything. Instead, he decided to go outside for a walk and take a look at the new neighborhood.

As he was walking down the street, he met a teenage boy who seemed to be about the same age as him.

"Are you new here?" The boy asked.

"Yeah," said David. "We just moved in."

"My name's Greg," said the boy. "Welcome to the neighborhood... wait a second... You didn't move into the Grady house, did you?"

"Uh-huh," David answered. "I think so... why?"

"You mean you parents didn't tell you?" Greg gasped.

David shook his head.

"The Grady's were the family who lived there before you," Greg said, glancing over his shoulder to make sure nobody could hear. "There was Mr. Grady, his wife and their daughter. The whole family disappeared without a trace."

"What happened to them?" David asked in disbelief.

Greg shrugged. "One morning, the neighbors noticed that the front door was wide open. When they went inside, there was no sign of them. Their car was still in the driveway. Their clothes were still in their wardrobes. Everything was in its proper place, as if they had just stepped out for a moment, but there was no trace of them. It was like they just vanished into thin air!"


That night, over dinner, David decided to ask his parents if they knew what had happened to the people who had lived there before them.

"Some kid from down the street told me the family left one night and never came back." He said.

David's dad and mom looked at each other.

"I never heard anything like that," his father said.

"That boy must have been spinning you a tall tale," said his mother.


That night, as he was lying in bed, David overheard his mom and dad talking in hushed tones downstairs.

"He's bound to find out sooner or later," his dad was saying.

"Shhh!" His mother warned. "David might hear you!"

As he lay there in the darkness, David thought he saw something moving out of the corner of his eye. He looked around, straining his eyes to see in the dark, but there was nothing there. David reached out and switched on his bedside lamp. He looked around his room to make sure nothing was there. Then he slowly settled back down into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning, his came in to wake him. As David rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, his father switched off the bedside lamp.

"You fell asleep with the light on last night," said his dad.

"Uh, yeah," David answered. "Sorry, Dad."

Throughout that day, David tried to forget what had happened the night before. It was ridiculous, he told himself. He was really being a baby; he hadn't been afraid of the dark since he was a little kid! No, he must have been half asleep and imagined things.

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