20☆The Bad Dream

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These next few stories are going to be really short, but they are still perfect to read. I mean the stories don't have to be very lengthy, even if stories will be short they are still perfect either way and don't need much plot to be(at least for me).



"Daddy, I had a bad dream." You blinked your eyes and pulled up on your elbows. Your clock glowing red in the darkness - It's 3:23.

"Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?"

"No, Daddy."

The oddness of the situation wakes you up more fully. You can barely make out you daughters pale form in the darkness of the room.

"Why not sweetie?"

"Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing mommy's skin sat up."

For a moment, you feel paralyzed; you can't take your eyes off your daughter. The cover behind you began to shift.


Hope you enjoyed this short story!


165 words

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