prolouge the origin of destroyah

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Long time ago a samurai named Destroyah fought loyal for his shogun like the other samurai's.  One day his shogun died. A narcistic creature took his place he offered the samurai's to fight on his side so they would not been seen as a ronin. But Destroyah rejected the  offer. He activated his horn lazer at him. The new shogun demanded his servant to kill him but he dissapeared in dozen smaller versions of him. The servants could not catch them instandly because they where so fast. They never found them or destroyah himself. Destroyah is now far away from the village he used to live. Retired from his duty, hiding from the samurai's who where supposed to be his cofighters.

Time went by after the incident. Destroyah stretched his four wings out and let himself a yawn out if himself. He  looked at the air. "Doesnt look good.... it might come to rain" he said. He stood up and walked into the woods. "A little rain would not bother me for a little walk..." he said. Calmly he walked into the woods. It began to rain. The mutant dragon listened to the raindrops tripping at the leaves in the bushes. After he inhaled deeply he got a suspicious smell in his nose. The smell of blood came up in the air. He followed the smell and could not believe his orange glowing eyes. A creature lied on the floor . He bleeded on the side. The creature looked like a bird. His scales where mostly green and partly golden. He had one eye wich looked like these more modern sunglasses and a point on the forehead wich seemed to be the other eye. Under his silver beak where dropping blood. His three fins where looking down. He had the hardest time to breath and he shivered. Destroyah came closer to the creature kneeling infront of him. He felt bad for the bird creature wich looked weakly at him.  The mutated dragon decided to bring him to his house. A dragon expected him already. She looked with her big green eyes at the injured bird, perking her long fluffy ears. She had anthlers like the smaller kind of bucks. Her long hair where violet while two strands of braids where grassgreen just like the hair on her tail tip. Her foxy nose was brown and her lower jaw was white just like her front mouth while the rest of her body was light blue. Her hands had yellow eagle claws she wore a darker blue kimono. She ran to destroyah wo carried the injured creature "where did you found him?!" She asked "in the middle of the woods. Marimo, only you can heal him..."destroyah said. The dragon who  called marimo took the creature wich Name was Marimo picked him up and carried him to the house. She lied him to a matress. It would be easier if his fins wheren't im the way so she had to lay him on the side. She walked to the garden. She kneeled down,meditating. Infront of her grew a bunch of plants where grew goldenrods. She picked them up and headed back to the injured creature. She undressed the ripped top clothing. Something seemed to scare her. She started to scream.

Destroyah hashed to the dragoness "what happened?!" He asked the creature had a buzzsaw in his body wich was attached to him "its just I never had seen something like this..." marimo answered. She calmed down, laying the goldenrods in his wound and bandaged him "he needs to rest now... ".Marimo said. Destroyah noded. "I am gonna grow our vegetables for food. Destroyah noded. A little time later destroyah cooked potato soup.  The injured creature woke up holding his head. He looked around wondering where he could be. He stood up very slowy looking around, trembeling around the rooms. He endet up being in the kitchen with destroyah "your'e awake"  destroyah said "you are  the one who brought me here?" The creature asked "yes... I found you lying in the woods you where in a bad condition. A huge slice on your side. My girlfriend bandaged you" destroyah explained "wow... thanks sir... " the creature answered. Destroyah was silent for a while staring at the creature "Destroyah" he introduced himself "Gigan" the creature answered. His name was Gigan. "Take a seat" Destroyah said . Gigan did. Destroyah lied a shell of soup "you need lots of energy to get better. " Destroyah said. Gigan looked at his hooks and moaned.  He deciced to drink the soup like a dog would.
Destroyah watched him eating "you don't look like you where from kyoto" destroyah said  "no... i got send there to check how the condition is. There news around that the new shogun  who lives in the town does only bad things" Gigan said with full mouth "can't you wait until you gulp all this?" Destroyah asked. Gigan gulped  "yes its all true... he is a bad person... I used to be his samurai after my shogun died. And yet he named himself as the shogun" Destroyah explained "and the worse is he killed my friends after they disagreed.... I escaped... wich is why I am here. In the woods I met this beautiful dragoness. " Gigan looked back at the garden where Marimo meditaded "her name is Marimo. She is a nature ryo" destroyah said " a nice catch" Gigan said "our meeting is similar to ours..." Destroyah said. He thought a few seconds "I got an Idea... how about creating a group who can prove my shogun wrong? " Gigan thought about it. The monsters where interrupted by roars from the distance. Destroyah rashed out of the house. Gigan followed him. They only could see how a beetle fought against the samurai's from kyoto. Destroyah attacked them.

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