Sounds of a Woman|One

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Sondra Allen|Part One

To be a Notorious black female of New York City. You have to be: direct, precise, smart, wise and never practical. Cause sweetheart, your beauty is only a benefit. Your choice of words have to be venomous and the way you walk have to speak a million words.

Because having power is bliss.

I sat at my polish oak desk, in my large black leather chair, in my overly large office. Glazing out my glass window wall just memorized as the warm spring rain do a repeating rhythmic tapping against it. Isn't it beautiful? They just asking permission to enter my bore settings. A light rumble gently shook my ear drum, ah sweet music to my ears. I close my eyes to savour this lovely moment to clear my mind before I will be struck with the harsh world call reality. My mind, my brain feel like it was at its end.

"Miss.Allen?" I slowly opened my eyes to meet grey New York scenery. "Yes?" Silence grew between us, I assume the words was lounged in her throat. I can feel my patience disappearing and my blood level rising. I spun my chair around to meet the presence of my assistant. Happy Chan stands in front of my desk with a childlike fear written on her face."Happy what do you need?" Not caring to let aggravation reveal in my voice. One of the things I do hate, is for time to be wasted especially my time. Startled by my voice, Happy began to fiddle with the tan folders in her hand.

"Uh, today in your schedule you have a interview with Ebony magazine at noon for the woman of the year. And I have to say congratulations."

"Okay, and?"Answering casually, not even responding to her compliment. The blood in her olive color cheeks have darken in tint. She moved wether quickly as she place three tan folder on my desk."And these are?" I questioned looking up to her. "Um, one folder is from your publicist for New York magazine and another is consent form. Spike Lee wants to mention your book in his new movie."

Happy began to go on about the last folder. I wanted to give her my undivided attention but my yellow curiosity wanted to know what more my publicist have to say. I opened the folder and scanned through papers my mind wasn't quite comprehending what the documents was saying but I knew anger was to bubble in the pit of my stomach."Happy get Christina on the phone now!"I growled, cutting off Happy from her continuous raving. She nodded her head and speed walked out my office, seconds later my phone rang. I grab my phone off the ringer and place it near my ear.

"I see you got the notice."

I scoffed."What the hell Christina? I hire you for a reason, these type of situation shouldn't be happening! How can someone buy New York magazine when it's my magazine?" I was highly upset, I can feel my dark skin radiating off heat. She sighed heavily on the other end."I'm sorry but your magazine wasn't making any money, so it was quite easily for it to be up for grabs."

I pulled the phone away from my ear, I could not bare to hear pure stupidity.It's my magazine key word mine. I was the one who came up with New York magazine. And I was the one who put one million dollars in to this project which is worth over 200 million dollars today how dare they say I don't make any profit."Answer this."Bring the phone back to my ear."Christina, New York is worth around 200 million maybe a little bit more how can you say I'm not making any profits?"

"Compared to:Jet, Ebony, New York Times, People magazine your are not."I nodded my head in understatement even though she couldn't see it. She was right New York magazine wasn't making nearly the same as them. They make my magazine look like a local newsletter."Your right, I just need to get new journalists and editors then it will be up to part."

"You don't get it Ms.Allen you don't own New York magazine anymore."I hear the frustration in her voice, hmm amusing. I chucked whether sinner not caring what she had spoke."Okay Christina. who brought New York?"

"Sondra you know I'm not allowed to give out that type information."

"And you know I'm the one who got you this job and I won't be hesitant to get rid of you."I snapped back, my voice was clear and poisonous. You are right if you thought I trying to strike terror in her heart. But I meant every word."Daruis Lloyd." She responded quickly. I froze for a second but sighed in relief, knowing I had to be listening to hard."Im sorry dear, repeat the name again."

"Daruis Lloyd." A frown played upon my lips and I felt my eyebrows furrowed. I clench onto my phone tighter, his name make my heart stings with hatered. Daruis Lloyd and I is known around New York as royalty in the business world. We have different work tactics but very similar when it come to our companies.Which is one of the reasons why I truly despise him and I guarantee the feeling is mutual."When this all happened?" Questioning between my teeth, having my magazine taken away from someone I despise my hate grew."The end of last month."

"Christina you are fired."With that I hung up from Christina not even caring to hear her explaining for not telling me.I let out a mildly loud groan."Daruis Lloyd you son of a bitch."I jerked my eyes towards my office door opening and Happy head popped in. "Mrs.Allen their a female on the phone by the name of Tracy Neely said she know you?"I froze, that name caught me off guard. I haven't heard her name for years."Do want me to connect her through line one or something?"I stared at Happy as she give me a questionable, I can't talk to her not now, not now ever."No."I spoke with a firm voice."And block the number."Happy still had questionable glare but simply nodded head and closed my door.

The day grew older by the second but a long way from being over. I stride threw the halls of my company letting my demeanor speak for it self. I passed by many simple painted flowers and half full water fountain.And to think four years ago I was a junior college working on my business degree not even sure I would make in life. Now look at me the owner and founder of Allen's enterprise I own businesses to charities, even I own celebrities names just for writing a book.

I watched as my female workers type away on their computers and running around like a chicken with their cut off faxing off papers, a confident smirk formed on my lips. what a enjoyable sight, I walked pass Happy desk not give a chance to say my name.

The clicking sound of heels echoed behind me. "Miss.Allen..Miss.Allen!"I slow my walking pace so Happy can catch up with me."Yes Miss.Chan?"She handed me a sack of papers with a sliver paper clip the top."I over heard you and Christina conversation. I took the liberty to get the records between you and Daruis accounts towards New York magazine. I stared at the papers and I mentally smile, Happy do 300% more than any of my workers."Thank you Happy you never disappoint me."I continue to walk down the forever long hall and I still can hear Happy heels click beside me."What Happy?"

"Who is Tracy Neely?"Stopping in my track, I glare at Happy then continue journey threw the halls picking up my paces."She is none of your concern Happy."Her 5'2 frame try to catch up with my long legs."I'm sorry, but I noticed the way you looked when I said her name. Is she your sister or something?"

"Didn't I said it none of your concern!" I shouted, overreacting to her question. The clicking of Happy heels came to a halt follow by me. Taking in a deep breath."Happy I'm apologized for raising my voice but I like I said before Tracy Neely is none of your concern, so say in your place as my assistant."

"Yes ma'am, never again." Obeying my request I slightly smile,we continue to walk in silence. We can upon the front of my building and witness most of my workers in a huddle around a male."What the hell is this?"Staring at my workers as they sway their bodies towards him, making sure they don't miss a beat.I felt my left eye twitch as I got a glimpse of what he look like."Why the hell is he here?"

Yay after the long....long wait but it's finally here not quiet interesting far as drama goes but the introduction of Sondra part one and part two will be updated faster promise.

Anyways what do you think of Sondra Allen? Questions and feedback, thank you.

- Sydatrice Sanders

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