Omg I have no title for this?!

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Say whattttttt?!

"Hey Y/N, Robin and I are gonna to go to a spa. Wanna come along with us?" Nami asks as she catches you leaving the boat. You don't really want to go with them, in your defense this is the perfect time to be hanging with Zoro alone.

"Uhh, I actually have a thing I need to do and it has to be done conveniently in the same direction that Zoro is going, so ya know I've got to go... byeeee!!" You wave and then run off the boat before you see there expressions and hear what they say.

Robin has a small knowing smile on her face as she watches you run off towards Zoro. Nami has a full out grin on her face because she somehow figured it out by the way you act around him. "Her little crush is so cute! We should totally help her out Robin... at this rate she's gonna go nowhere." Nami said while walking away with Robin towards a building with a smiling and rubbing his hands together as her looks over them.

Nami shows a flirty smile has Robin replied with a small wave at the man, "I don't know what she will think about that navigator-san. For now let's go into and enjoy the spa." And they walked into the building not seeing the shadow that quickly ran away.


"Luffy slow down! I don't even think we have enough money to pay for all of this!" Ussop yelled trying, key word: trying, to pull away Luffy from a meat plate. "You're going to give Chopper a heart attack if you start chocking!" Ussop started to shake Luffy.

"Luffy-san please slow down!" Chopper yelled.

The shadow passed. It went faster.


Sanji is shown pushing around a cart full of ingredients. "This is actually pretty useful. I guess I'll have to thank Franky later for this." 

Sanji then stops and looks at some food displayed on a cart that looked pretty good. "Hey what kind of sause did you use on this dish? It has a kind of sweet smell but it taste spicy."

The man turned around and twisted his mustache and smiled a friendly smile. "Well kind sir let me tell you..." Sanji nods along and looks at his cart while the man continues to explaining what he did to get what he got.

The shadow get increasingly mad as he or she sees the crew having no care in the world.


"Do you have any lighter wrench's for smaller bolts?" Franky asks as he adjusts his sunshades. He lifts up the wrench and then throws it up in the air as he feels the heavy weight.

"Well sir if you follow me we can go and see if we have some more tools that would probably suit your liking." A woman smile and led him to the back of the store that has more inventory.

A frown is shown on the shadow as again it passes the movements get faster, sloppy, and more frantic as though it's sear for someone in particular.


"...and maybe if you put a little more twist in the thrust," you say to Zoro while moving your hand in the motion,"you could probably do more damage don't you think?" You ask Zoro as you two are sitting outside the weapons store. You guys got kicked out because you were doing dangerous stuff with pointy objects.

You were juggling knifes and using them as throwing darts towards Zoro while Zoro was deflecting them with some swords and the ricocheted all over the store making people duck and scream. 

The shadow stops on branch far away, but not to far away, and grinned. Now he just waits until their all in the same place and then he strikes.



TWOOOOO updates in a day!

I am on a roll, I can't even and I'm still on vacation.

So yeah I'm leaving tomorrow from the hotel and yeah. Sea World has been a pain on my feet. 

Well bye!

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