Spa day

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"When the heck did you even have time to do this Luffy?!" You cried out and dodged another cannonball that was way to low to the ship to be safe.

"Shishishishi!" Was the only response that you got. The laughter made you feel really annoyed but at the moment you were preoccupied with defending the ship and Franky and Nami try to figure the safest way possible to escape.

My work ethic needs work

"Surrender now scum!" You hear a voice shout at you and the crew from over the crashing waves. The ship tilts slightly as Franky tried to make a frantic turn.

"Why are there so many whirlpools!" Nami shouted in despair and  pointed out another one. Franky once agin took the helm and veered the ship away from the mass of swirling water.

"This place is now for the abundance of dangerous whirlpools." Robin flipped a page in a history book she was reading as she dodged another shot from the marines. "It says that no ship has ever made it out of this area completely safe with all its members." She laughed slightly and cracked the neck of a guy.

"Reassuring." You state dryly and slice up and cannon ball.

"This is no time for talking." Zoro sliced up another cannonball that heading straight for Sanji's head. They were working in almost perfect harmony. It was strange.

One moment they're at each other's necks but then the next they're the perfect teammates. It's totally refreshing to see them like that.

"Watch out Y/n-chan!" A voice calls out your name as you turn a little to late at the sound of a gunshot.

You felt a body collide into yours and you fell harshly on the wooden deck. Your arm stuff with the impact and you body weight being put on it but once you saw the bullet hole in the deck you were glad.

"Thanks Sanji." You grin before shuffling out from under him and going towards Chopper.


30 minutes later you find yourself spitting out sea water and taking pieces of seaweed from your hair. It was annoying how many little pieces their were.

At least you weren't like Chopper and got a whole fish stuck in his fur. The poor guy. Both of them really.

The water remaining on the ship was being cleaned up by Ussopp while Franky was patching up the dents and cracks on the Sunny from the surprise attack.

You really could have gone a whole day without whatever that whole thing was but there was nothing you could do about it.

It already happened. Unfortunately.

You stretched before getting up from up spot and making a face at the way your clothes stuck to your skin. Wet and slimy.

Not to mention some left over gunpowder from the cannonballs and the guns shot at he crew.
A bath was in definite order.

"Guys!" Nami called out running into the deck. Everyone looked up in surprise. "The next island that we're coming up to is a spa island!" She yelled excited.

A grin stretched across your face. Who needs a long bath when you could lounge around in a hot tub. That sounded way more fun.

Besides, spa places have mixed gender baths. Meaning you could totally catch a glimpse of Zoro's nice body.

You wipe a bit of drool that came from the corner of your mouth and glanced around to make sure that no one saw anything.

"EH?! Nami~" Luffy whined looking up from his hat. "Spas are boring." He pouted and you couldn't help but laugh at his face.

Blind (One Piece Fanfiction) Zoro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now