Chapter 3

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I open my eyes. I immediately know I am not in my room. I try to get up only to find myself already standing in a tube. I push against the tube trying to break free.

I was trapped.

Suddenly the tube is lifted over my head and I am standing on a raised platform. I am in a glass room with different objects blocking the way to the exit, on the other side of the room. A sign pops up in front of me.

"Pass these obstacles and you can leave and go back home."

I have to do obstacles to get out of this place? How did I even get here?

I look to my right and see another glass room. I see a boy, reading the sign. After reading I see the boy look at the obstacles with determination. He starts walking towards the first obstacle. The water rocks, a sign says. There is a deep water hole with rocks at a good distance from each other. I guess we're supposed to jump.

The boy gets a running start and jumps the first rock, then he kept jumping, without taking a more than three second break.

I look at him in awe. If I did it I would go really slow. Wait. If I did it? Obviously I have to do it. I look and face the first obstacle. I look and see that the boy is already at the third obstacle. He only has to pass the fifth obstacle and he's free.

I do exactly what the boy did, assuming he knew it was the way to do it. Surprisingly it was much easier than I expected. I continued to pass the laser section, then the dodgeball section, then the trivia section, then lastly the tough situation. Where you have to conquer your biggest fear in a stimulation. The thing is, once you are in the stimulation, you forget it's a stimulation.

Mines, crazed psychopaths. The stimulation showed my friends and family held hostage by this insane psychopath. I was able to get free and was hiding. Hannah and Scarlett were first and their heads were at gunpoint. I had to help them even though I was scared of the psychopath. I ended up saving the day, but I don't remember how.

I am past all the obstacles. I look and see the boy is still on the fifth obstacle. His fear must be really bad and hard to conquer. I open the doors and enter another room with two couches. I assume that if I sit I will magically be transported home. Or at least someone will come and explain why I'm here. The last thing I remember was my sleepover with my friends. Nothing about moving to this weird obstacle course.

A few minutes later the boy walks in from the door I assume he was able to leave from after completing all the obstacles. I finally am able to take a good look at him. His face looked familiar. I scanned my brain to figure out where I had seen him. That's right! Yesterday. I tried to hide my face, but I he noticed too.

"Hey, um you're that girl from yesterday right?"

"Yah.. It was my fault. I know I'm sorry."

"No it was mine, I was too busy thinking."

"Me too."


"So where are we?" I ask looking around. I just notice now that the doors have disappeared.

"I don't know, but what was that obstacle course about?"

Suddenly a voice is heard through an intercom system.

"It is obviously a test to help find your mate" I hear the familiar voice of Vivian.

"What the heck!" I scream. I am so confused by every bit of information this woman has given me.

"No questions now, remember at the warehouse."

Then I feel myself falling and there is blackness all around me.



"Ahhhh" I sit upright. It was only a dream.

"Are you alright?!" Hannah and Scarlett ask bolting upright by my scream.

"Just a dream, just a dream" I say still dazed.

"Okay let us know if you need anything."

I decide I'm going to the warehouse in the morning. Vivian and Micah have some explaining to do.

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