Chapter 2

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[This video is not mine]

Entering my house we were greeted by the rest of the group.

"They've finally arrived!" My dad sprung up. He already had our bags piled by the front door.

"Alright! Load the van!" My dad clapped his hands as the group rose to our feet and grabbed our bags.

"Hey!" JK walked uo to me. His giant camo bag on his back. Holding back a laugh "Hey guk! Whats in the bag?"

He looks at me sees my smile then smiles. "Mostly trash. Some carrots, and clothes." We continue walking.

"Sarah can I talk to you?" My mom calls me over. "Ok. Youre going tk be in a van with boys. Nothing better happen and you better come hoke safe and on time! Watch everyone and make sure no one gets run over! After last year..." She sighs.

"Yeah ill make sure!" I reassure her. I hug her goodbye and catch back up with the others.

We all got in the van after tossing in our bags. My dad got behind the wheel and our journey began!

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