Introduction to Shifts

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Shifts are experienced differently for each individual. Shifts can occur in varying strength and frequency and be both a positive or negative experience. Multiple types of shifts can be experienced simultaneously. A person does not need to experience every type of shift to be a Therian. Some Therians may only ever experience one type of shift throughout their lives. Many Therians do not have shifts. See Contherianthrope in the Therian Dictionary.

In most cases shifting is entirely controllable, but sometimes a Therian will experience strong shifts that do cause them to temporarily loose the ability to function completely as a human. Shifting is typically involuntary, but some Therians learn to induce shifts.

Be aware that having a single shift or even several shifts does not mean that you should assume, without a doubt, that you are a Therian. We must carefully consider what experiences are relevant. There could be rational explanations for why a person experiences a shift-like sensation that has nothing to do with Therianthropy or being Therian. We must be mindful and cautious that we are not simply imagining these sensations or tricking our minds. One example is the Rubber Hand Illusion. There is also what is known as Shifter's Disease in the community.


"Your best mental transformation", AHWW, December 1, 1993 -

"Believe It or Not?" written by Meirya, December 2007, Project Shift -

"Types of Shifts" written by Sonne, Project Shift -

"It's Okay Not to be a Therianthrope" by Bewylderbeast -

Therian Timeline - Words and Concepts -

O. Scribner, "Otherkin lexicon: A multi-lingual dictionary of jargon used in the communities of otherkin, therianthropes, and other similar peoples, v. 0.1 Abridged," last modified Sept. 8, 2012 in The Art and Writing of O. Scribner

Rubber Hand Illusion -

The Types of Therian ShiftsWhere stories live. Discover now