Physical Shift

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Physical Shift (PS or p-shift): The transformation of a human body into the physical shape of another creature. There is no scientific evidence for this type of shift ever happening. No one has ever been able to provide proof. While a lot of Therians wish they could change their physical bodies, the Therian community agrees that physical shifting is impossible.

There have been a few cases of theft and abuse when naive or unsuspecting individuals trusted someone who promised to teach physical shapeshifting in exchange for money, goods, or services. Claims of physical shifting are often made by individuals preying on the young and gullible in the community. Do not be a victim of this behaviour.

Physical Shifts in Legends

Many legends tell of people who have the ability to turn into an animal. In Shamanic cultures, Shamans are able to become animals in the spirit realm during trance-like states known as Shamanic Journeys. These experiences are real, but no physical shifting actually occurs. What likely has happened, is that lay people have misunderstood Shamans as they speak about their spiritual exploits, and have mistook spiritually becoming an animal as physical shape-shifting.


Orion Scribner, "Otherkin lexicon: A multi-lingual dictionary of jargon used in the communities of otherkin, therianthropes, and other similar peoples, v. 0.1 Abridged." The Art and Writing of O. Scribner. 8 September, 2012.

Lupa "Why Physical Shapeshifting is Bollocks" The Green Wolf, July 6, 2012.

Theri There from 2007-09-28: "Perils of physical shifting" by Orion Scriber. Caption: "Perils of P-shifting: Parts of your body that you shaved in human form– may stay shaved!" Image link:

Swiftpaw, "Real Guide to PShifting", March 2004 (archived page date)

Jakkal "So your pack can P-shift" April 8, 2014

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