Let's take a moment and breathe. How many of you remember the Titanic? A beautiful tragic... music, dinners, mystery. But have you ever wondered if that's what everyone wanted you to remember it as?
The course we went through was full of empty oceans and skies; so how did it crash into one of the biggest icebergs in the Atlantic sea? How ironic could it have been to do such a thing. Oh, I fancy the time I had - I was lucky enough to even make it out alive. Even when I did, I didn't exactly survive. Just pay close attention to what I'm about to tell you.
My name is Madeline Becker. I am middle class, associated with higher classmen as my mother wants to flatter herself over married men. She believes the best of these times are when it comes to money and men. No disrespect to my mother's sense of mind, but how un-ladylike is it to distract such a man who cannot stay loyal to one in which he's wed? Anywho... I'm 23 years old, trained in armoury and defense. Secretly, though - women aren't supposed to be known to defend one's self. However, I'm quite the rebellion.
Rumours occurred around the borders of how the nurse and caretakers were getting sick, thus leaving the sick uncared for. The captain instisted the lower classmen take shift, but others refused. "How disgusting of you, make one of your maids or middle classmen take the lead in medicine." Many high strong women demanded, but in the case it was, I volunteered. There's nothing more that I like to offer help where it is needed. Call me a cliche, but hanging out with my mother while her skirt is taller than the ship was a no for me, by far.
All the while I was in the medicine corner, I'd comfort many whom were distressed in their sickness. Something about it seemed wrong, but it was good that some were feeling better. I sought out many of the wounds the sick had. Their skins had been erasing its shelter and creating craters in places I'd never seen.
Historische RomaneEveryone knows the classic Titanic story... Or do they? A threatening disease is found to be onboard of this lengendary ship.