Chapter 1...

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! I decided to start this story because I wasn't really loving my first 2 and also, I think I may stop writing WEGW. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this and please help me get a lot of reads on it! Thanks! xx

Chapter 1:

Kalya's POV

I could feel my mind slowly regaining con conciousness, however I could tell my body had other plans as it would not budge even if I used all the energy I had. I tried to open my eyes but they felt as if they were glues shut. All I could tell was that I was not in my usual environment, with Harry by my side.

All my body wanted to do was sleep but my mind was completely awake. I finally pryed my eyes open with every ounce of energy in my body. 

I could hear a loud beeping sound coming from somewhere near me. I couldn't tell where I was. I tried to lift my head and look around however I had barely enough strength to even open my eyes, let alone lift my head.

I stared at the ceiling, however not able to see much because my eyes still hadn't adjusted to the bright lights coming from the hall.

I finally got up enough strength to move my hand. Next my toes, and my whole arm after that. 

After trying for about 15 minutes to move, I finally was able to lift my head and examine the unfamiliar room I was laying in.

I looked around everywhere until I finally realized that I was at the hospital. 

The last thing I remembered was sitting in the car with Harry after having a huge fight with my parents. After that, I couldn't recall anything that happened. I was completely confused as to what went on, however my body was aching for me to sleep again.

I decided to push that thought to the back of my head and slowly reached my arm up to hit the button on my remote near the bed to call the nurse in.

Almost immediately a lady walked in and to the side of my bed. She looked about in her thirties and seemed to be very layed back with her work.

"I see you've woken up." She beamed.

I opened my mouth to reply back however nothing came out. I tried with all my energy to produce some kind of sound out of my mouth but I just couldn't do it. I finally gave up and slumped back into my bed. The nurse realized my frustration and nodded slightly at me.

"Yeah, your not going to be able to speak for a few hours, but don't worry, it will wear off." She replied before glancing through my medical files, I assumed. 

"Wh-" I tried to get out however, not succesful. I was still proud of myself for getting some kind of noise out. 

I think the nurse understood what I was trying to say, because she responded with the answer that I was looking for.

"Hunny, you and your boyfriend were hit by another car." She said sympathetically.

It suddenly hit me that Harry could have been hurt in this as well. He could have gotten more beat up than me.

"Is... is h-" I still wasn't able to get the words out however, thank god for the nurse, because she seemed to understand exactly what I was trying to say... again.

"I'm sorry sweetie. But, unfortunately your boyfriend wasn't as lucky as you." She looked down at me with sad eyes.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I thought my world was coming to an end. Was he dead? What happened to him? I closed my eyes, consumed in my thoughts. I felt one tear slowly slide down my face. I opened my eyes and looked at the nurse with complete devastation written all over my face.

"Oh! No! He's not dead, hunny." She responded. Apparently she was very good at reading me, because everytime I tried to communicate anything to her she knew exactly what I meant. 

"He just got beaten up pretty badly. A lot worse than you." She looked at me in the eyes. "I'm sorry to break this to you after you've just woken, but he is in a coma. We aren't sure for how long, but we are trying our best to make sure he wakes up as soon as possible." She finished.

After relaying this message to me she walked out of the hospital room and started talking with the other nurses. I didn't realize it before, but I was beat tired. I decided I should probably try and get some rest since I did just get in a terrible car accident. I let my eyes slowly shutter closed and was soon asleep and enjoying my own dreams.

"Is she dead?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"No, dummy." Another voice said, and then a whack.

"She looks so.... broken." A third voice spoke.

"I know, but the nurse said that she will be better in no time." He paused. "It's Harry we need to worry about.

I was trying not to think about the fact that my boyfriend was in a coma, and I was in here with just a few broken bones. It didn't seem fair.

"Are you sure she isn't dead?" The first voice spoke again. 

I felt the corners of my lips rise and I tried not to, but a small laugh escaped my lips.

"She's alive!" Zayn said, as I turned my head to face them.

"Yep, sure am." I replied sarcastically. I was glad I was finally able to speak normally now. 

"How are you feeling babe?" Liam asked, kneeling next to my bedside.

"Fine, just in a little pain and a massive headache." I replied, putting my hand on my head trying to massage it to make it feel better. It didn't work.

"Do you want us to call the nurse?" He asked.

"No no, it's fine. I would much rather spend some time with you guys." I replied smiling at them.

I loved these boys almost as much as I love Harry. They are always so nice to me and they treat me like I am family. I just wish I had Harry there with me too.

"I am so tired." I stated, yawning. 

"Still?" Louis replied in a whining tone. 

"Yesss." I replied sarcastically, dragging out the 's'.

"FIne, I guess I'll just have to lay with you since loverboy isn't awake to do it himself." Louis said, laughing.

"Thanks, Lou." I replied.

"Guys, I think the rest of us are gonna head back to the hotel for the night. We are pretty beat ourselves." Liam stated, waving goodbye. 

"Alright, I'm going to stay her with Kayla." Louis said as they left.

Louis awkwardly stood by my bed after they left as if he was waiting for me to say something. 

"You gonna come over her or what?" I asked, laughing and patting the bed where I had moved over for him to lay with me.

"Yeah, yeah." He replied laughing.

He slid in the bed and under the cover, letting me lay my head on his chest. 

"Goodnight Kayla." Louis said right before I drifted off to sleep.

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