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The small brook bubbled softly, his feet padding across the bridge and walking deeper into the garden. Moonlight streamed down and illuminated his lone figure as he seemed to almost glide across the pathways.
His dark hair and pale skin glimmered in the dim moonlight, giving him an ethereal appearance. He wore no shoes, and his bare feet made not a sound as he stopped his walk. The sly smile gracing his lips proved that he was up to no good.
Light breezes rustled the plants and sent a symphony of sounds across the small garden; perfectly hiding his quiet chuckle and a new, hushed, voice. From the shadows stepped a blond man, who was shaking with excitement. "You always were better at hide and seek than I was." The blond laughed and looked towards the paler of the two, "How'd ya find me anyway?"

  Aizawa tilted his head and smiled, "The breeze caught your cologne; I could probably smell you a mile away." Hizashi laugher again and wrapped an arm around  Aizawa, oblivious to the way the other man moved even closer to him. "Do you think we should head back? I don't want the others to come looking." He even faked a yawn for added affect.

  "Oh...Alrighty. I'll walk you back to our room then." Hizashi began to walk, keeping an arm around Aizawa. "You sure do get tired quickly huh?" Aizawa didn't reply, simply trying to keep pace. "You're pretty quiet too, c'mon don't you like to sing or hum or something?" Hizashi was getting desperate for conversation, unnerved by how quiet the other man truly was.

  Aizawa smiled slightly, "I don't have a good voice for that, but you do. Why don't you sing something?" He nudged Hizashi and subtly nodded towards the hotel. "This is a party after all."
  Hizashi blushed and looked away, scratching the back of his neck. "It's still a school trip though right? I'm sure you'd rather do something educational." He chuckled and smiled at Aizawa. "Isn't that what you always tell me? To focus on my education so I can have a better career?"

  Aizawa didn't answer, knowing they were close to their hotel room. "Do you think they made a mistake rooming us together?" Hizashi looked at a Aizawa confused, barely having time to gasp as he was wrapped in a pair of strong arms. "Cause I'm sure glad I get you all to myself tonight."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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