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Another boring week went by, as the concert got closer, and I was getting pumped. Every day was filled with sign making, finding the right outfit, making a flower crown, and thinking of what to say when I met the boys.

I still waited to call "Evan" back but I never got the guts to, since I had already called 4 times, an we were playing phone tag. I also was afraid that it was really Ashton Irwin, since my mind insisted that it was him when I went to leave a voice message. I hadn't told anyone about it because if it wasn't him, I didn't want to look like an idiot to my friends and family, they would think I was seriously crazy. I wanted to try calling him again, but I was heaitant, since I figured that he probably wouldn't answer again.

I looked at my phone, and it had a twitter notification,

"Twitter:@Ashton5SOS: (now)

A 14 year old kid was teasing me at the airport cause I was air drumming, I felt like I was at school all over again"

I smiled and saw that he was active, since that was one of the many tweets Ashton had posted in the past moments. I unlocked my phone and said to myself "Why not?" implying that I would try to call Ashton, um well "Evan" once again, and hope that he would pick up.

I went to my recent calls and hit the number that I had called the most out of any of my contacts the entire summer, and waited for someone to pick up. The phone rang multiple times, as I started to lose hope once again that nobody would answer, and I would hang up on the last ring before the greeting played. I figured that if I didn't wait for the greeting to play, I wouldn't have to know weather it was Evan or Ashton, so I kept myself guessing.

Two rings into the phone call, it stopped. A voice breathed into the phone, "Hello?" they said. I froze when they spoke, and took a breath before I responded, making sure I didn't screw up when I responded. "Hi, uh, I think I have the wrong number, but I need to ask, is this Ashton Irwin?" I said, smacking my leg. I was an idiot for asking, because he was obviously going to say 'No,' since he wouldn't want me to leak his number to the public, that would be bad.

"Erm, yes, yes it is. And whom am I speaking to?" he said back, waiting for my response. "Oh, uh hi, I'm Brie.. I was supposed to be talking to a boy named Evan, but I must have dialed the wrong number." I said, trying not to give him too much information, so he wouldn't be weirded out, but he probably was already. The boy chuckled and began to speak again,

"Well, hello Brie, it's nice to, well erm meet your voice?" he said laughing again. The way my name rolled off his tongue with the Austrailian accent made me shiver, and smile. "I'm coming to your Baltimore show I have meet and greets, so I'll be able to actually meet you in person!" I said, trying not to sound over excited, and stalkerish. "That's great, well I can't wait to meet you in person, Brie, I have to go we are going on stage soon. Bye!" he said, cheekily.

I could tell that through the phone he was most likely smiling, but I didn't get my hopes up. On the other hand, I couldn't believe I had been on the phone with Ashton Fucking Irwin. I talked to him, he's looking forward to meeting me, he knows my name, we talked, nothing at this moment could bring me down!


(Ashton's POV)

I ended the phone call, with one lucky fan, that I wasn't expecting to speak to. I thought it's funny how she accidentally called me, and I picked up! She seemed like a fairly nice girl, and frankly, I was looking forward to meeting her, but I had no idea what she looked like, which was the problem. But at the same time, how was I supposed to know that she wasn't a psycho? How was I supposed to know she wasn't another stalker, or a member of the paparazzi?

I didn't think about it much, since I had to go on stage momentarily, and I had to be focused on the show, not the girl who called me. "Ash, you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost!" Luke asked me, since I was blankly staring at the ground, with my hands on my head. I looked up, trying not to look startled and planted a fake smile on my face, "Oh, erm hi Luke, yes I'm okay. I'm just focusing on the show tonight that's all." I said trying to convince him to believe me. He looked at me, nodded and walked toward the dressing room door to leave the room. I threw my phone in my back pocket, and followed behind him, after a deep voice that sounded like the stage manager call out "1 minute till show time!"

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