Chapter the Second

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On the seventeenth of June, just two days after the Dragonsfate ceremony, Alexander stood at Beginning’s Point. He had been supplied with a prefect’s hooded tabard (even though he was no prefect), green uniform trousers, chainmail, protective shoes, a bow, a quiver with arrows and a sword. The sword in particular was far heavier than he was used to, but he didn’t see it as relevant. He was far too excited. In mere minutes, he would be gone…on his Grand Quest! He had prepared excellently, if excellently can be defined as shoving a bit of small change in your socks beforehand. He turned to Jas, who had ditched class to come and see him (and somehow got away with it, despite all the present teachers), and gave her an awkward one-armed hug, being careful not to accidently behead her. At this point, he realised it would probably best if he were to sheathe his sword, and did so.

The academy’s headmistress, Dame Eilidh Clayrisse, stood with Sir Terrowin beside a rock. She checked her pocket watch- in exactly twenty-nine seconds she would be sending Alexander on his way.

Alexander was just grinning at Jas, not paying any attention. He was off in his own little world in which he had slew a dragon and was returning home to a hero’s welcome. 

“This is it, Lex!” Jas’ voice was higher pitched than usual- she sounded so happy, he noted, happier than he’d heard her in years.

“Yup,” he said with a slight chuckle. “Finally. God…finally.”

“Are you excited?”

“’Course. Don’t be stupid.”

“You look pained.”

“That’s because all this stuff weighs a tonne,” he complained, pretending to be really irritated, then he smiled playfully. “I’ll miss you,” he said quietly.

“I’ll miss you too, Lex. Just…don’t get yourself killed, okay? If you did, I’d have no partner for fencing practice.”

He opened his mouth to respond but Dame Clayrisse cleared her throat and everyone fell silent. She beckoned him over with a motion of her finger and gave him a look that told him somehow that refusing to oblige would be a really bad idea. So he walked over to her. 

Beginning’s Point, described in the academy as ‘the start of your life’, was basically a spot a mile or two from campus. There were a few trees and a big rock, and this archway made of marble. Traditionally, a knight on their Grand Quest would walk through it to let their journey officially begin.

To Jas, this was just ridiculous and unnecessary but she wasn’t about to spoil her friend’s big moment just to make a point. Secretly, however, Alexander really wouldn’t have minded if she had. He would have found it funny, and just got on with it, anyway.

“Forthwind,” Dame Clayrisse began, somewhat smiling, “you have been lucky in that you have secured the great honour of being the first young knight of your year to embark on your Grand Quest. We at the Dragonstraining Academy wish you luck, as we wish that you will sustain the courage and bravery needed in order to return in triumph.”

“Dear, dear, speak for yourself,” Sir Terrowin mumbled.

The dame carried on, apparently oblivious to her colleague’s comment. “Go forth, and remember that you are setting an example for your school. Know that we’re all rooting for you back home. Good luck, boy, and Godspeed.”

That was his cue. He smiled politely and took the three steps to the arch. He paused and quickly turned, giving Jas a curt wave before quickly rushing through. The others clapped as they were supposed to do, and he laughed softly before walking away as fast as he could. The sooner he got there and slew a dragon, he thought, the sooner he could come back. Although that wasn’t going to stop him from making a few…pit stops. Once he was sure he was out of their sight, he turned around and made a beeline for Cardeburg City.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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