Little Love

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A shrill, eardrum shattering, screech echoes through the small plane, decipherable even through the buzzing of the aircraft and it causes you to pop your blurry eyes open and blink a few times before you turn across the aisle to blearily glance in the direction of where it came from.

You weren't sleeping, no, that was virtually impossible with the screeching. It didn't bother you because you couldn't fall asleep though, it bothered you because it was heart breaking.

"Lux, baby please, please calm down for mummy." Lou begs in a pitiful voice as she bounces the sobbing, wailing toddler on her lap. Lux, whose face is red and wet has one little hand pressed against her mothers face and the other tugging at her ear as she takes a momentary pause from the wailing to catch her breath and sniffle. Lou pats her back soothingly. Her own eyes are shut as she leans forward and presses her forehead against Lux's gently.

The aircraft is small, holding the bodyguards, the main team members like Lou, the other boys, you, and Harry as it flies you all to the next leg of the tour. Harry had convinced you to join him now that you were on break from school. ("It'll be fun yeah, love? Want yeh here with me.")

Another scream, not as powerful as the previous one echoes from the tired babe and you frown as you distinctly see her face turn a deeper shade of red. "Please, Lux!" Lou snaps, as she pulls her forehead away from the toddler and holds her farther away, ears ringing from the impact of the scream.

You sit up a bit, digging your elbows into the arm rests as you squirm. Lou's at the end of her wits, you can tell. She's usually so calm and bright to be around, especially considering that she has to deal with the boys before each and every show. But the light is gone from her eyes and she's sighing more and more often, and you know she's on the brink of tears.

"Lou, hey. Give her here." You whisper, swallowing as you outstretch your hands across the aisle towards her.

Lou looks from Lux to you and frowns through the dim lit area, struggling to keep Lux still in her arms, "No, no Y/N. It's alright, she's just begin difficult. Aren't you, Lux?" She inquires, peering at the toddler who hiccups through a sob in response.

"Lou, you've been at it for hours, c'mon hand her over. Go walk around a little, get some sleep in the back." You insist, unbuckling your belt so it'll allow you to lean over more towards her.

"Y/N, I can't. I mean Harry-she'll wake him." Lou mumbles, gesturing to your right.

You turn over your shoulder and see Harry leaning against the wall of the plane, curly hair messy as it's pressed against a pillow. He's insisted on bringing a fluffy blanket on board, and it's pulled up high and tucked under his chin with one hand fisting it there. The other is resting on your knee, gentle but firm to remind himself, more than you, that you're still there. It's a good compromise, considering you two had spent the first few hours of the flight curled up together, until both of you had become squirmish. He's snoring, softly, his mouth slightly agape. Although he's not immune to Lux's screams, he had frowned and huffed and murmured sleepy suggestions to get her to calm down before his hooded green eyes had succumbed to the sleep. His brows are furrowed and the skin between them is creased in worrisome wrinkles, and you know subconsciously he's still worried.

You smile a bit and reach down to pat his hand on your knee before you turn back to Lou, "He's fine, fast asleep. Uncle Knobhead would want Lux to get some sleep too, wouldn't he?" You reiterate in a softer voice when Lux turns to stare at you.

"You're sure? You didn't sleep either..." Lou trails off, glancing between you and Lux hesitantly.

"I also didn't do a show last night, now come on. C'mere Lux, come sit with auntie." You say, waving your hands in a come here motion.

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