[ Meetings ]

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((Note: Since there are so many characters/ships, I will be making focusing on one pair at a time so there will be different sections about certain pairs, at least, for this chapter. I'll probably do different ships/characters in different chapters. Let me know what I should do! Also, if you have any ideas, feel free to suggest ideas! And finally, be prepared for swearing))

[ Chiaki and Hajime ]
 ((Chiaki's POV))

I woke up to a few rays of light shining through the window, thinking about how I need to get different shades. I got out of bed and stretched, letting out a yawn. Today was the first day of school. I was nervous but at least I knew someone. Kaede Akamatsu, my best friend. I've known her almost my whole life. Well, we did meet in preschool after all. Soon, I finished showering and got dressed for the day, putting my school uniform on. Once I was done with that, I jogged downstairs and threw some bread in the toaster. While I waited for the toast, I got my bag ready. I squeaked at the toaster popping, falling down. Huffing, I got up and grabbed my bag and the toast, running out the door.
"You said what?" I asked, completely shocked at what Kaede just told me.
"I-I told him that I like him!" She bit her lip with a nervous smile, her cheeks heating up.
"I can't believe it! I SHIP IT!" I shouted, tackling her in a hug. We both laughed before heading into school, noticing new students. "New students?" I blinked.
"Not just two. A whole group!" Kaede exclaimed, looking at one of the new students, a guy wearing all black and a black hat who smiled at her. I noticed that she blushed faintly and raised a brow.
Did she just blush at the new kid? But she confessed to her crush! I thought, folding my arms with a slight pout. And out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one of the new kids staring at me! He had short hair with a little strand sticking out, one eye red and the other an olive green. I tilted my head at him and gave him a soft smile and waved.
The boy tilted his head, raising a brow before waving back and walking away with the group. For some reason, I felt attracted to him. I blushed lightly as me and Kaede walked to class.
I couldn't stop thinking about him. We walked inside to see the two we were looking at.
We took our seats, listening to the bell. I looked over at the two as they stood up, walking to the front. The two boys introduced themselves. "Hello, I'm Hajime Hinata. I looked forward to a good school year with all of you." Hajime bowed. "Good morning, I'm Shuichi Saihara, I also look forward to a good year." He smiled, winking at Kaede. Most of the girls around her went crazy, thinking he winked at them. I looked over at Kaede as she blushed.
The two took their seats and class began. I looked over at Hajime and smiled. Seeing him look and smile back at me couldn't help but make me blush a little. I hope we become good friends.

((Hajime's POV))

I couldn't help but smile at this one girl with short hair. She was kind of cute and I wanted to know her. I scribbled down on a note, Hey, what's your name? , before passing it over to her. I watched her open it up and read it before scribbling down an answer and handing it back to me, our hands touching. She faintly blushed and I let out a quiet chuckle before opening the note and reading it. Chiaki Nanami. A cute name, I thought, glancing over at her with a cheeky smile before looking up at the clock. I can't forget why I'm here. I can't create any relationships with the mortals. I thought, my eyes growing dark. I exhaled silently and continued to listen to the teacher, the bell soon ringing. I got up and walked out of the room, walking to my next class with Chiaki on my mind, along with my duty.

[ Kaede and Shucihi ]
((Kaede's POV))

I got up and I couldn't help noticing that one of the new guys, Shuichi, walked over to me with a smile. "Hello there." He said. "Ah uh, hi. Uhm, why did you wink at me?" I bit my lip, feeling a little nervous to ask. "You think I winked at you, huh?" He asked with a smirk. I shuddered at his smirk, thinking I messed up. "U-Uh.." "Just kidding." Shuichi winked. "I did." I felt myself blush. "Ah, alright.." "You see, I want to get to know you Mrs. Akamatsu." He lifted up my hand and kissed it, feeling myself blush harder. "H-How do you know my last name?" "I have my ways." He winked again before letting go of my hand. "Anyway, you should head to your next class." He winked once more before walking away form me. My cheeks flushed and I couldn't help but think how much a flirt he is.

((Shuichi's POV))

Shuichi walked down the hall with a smirk. She's the one I need. I'll make her mine. I don't care what the other demons say, saying I'm mentally ill! They're ill! He thought, his smirk widening as he walked to class.

[ Kirigiri and Makoto ]
((Makoto's POV))

I walked down the hall as I headed to my second period. I looked around, noticing a few students in my class. As I peeked through the door, someone came behind me and scared the living daylights out of me. I spun around, letting out a high-pitched yelp. I blushed madly as a few people looked over. I looked up and noticed it was Kaito.
"Kaito! It's you!" I pouted.
He couldn't help but laugh at my yelp. "Still as jumpy as ever." He teased, walking inside with me, noticing the new kids. "Hey." He whispered. "Who are they?"
"No clue. New kids?" I guessed, walking over to my seat which was behind Kaito. He sat down in his seat and turned around, looking at me and whispering. "Hey, the girl with the dark hair is kind of cute."
"I guess.." I shrugged, looking over at the girl with pale lavender hair with piercing heather eyes. She looked over at me and I flinched, quickly looking away. I could feel my cheeks heat up.
"Oh hoho?" Kaito smirked. "You like the girl with the purple hair!" He nudged me, making me blush more. "Oh shush!"

((Kirigiri's POV))

I raised a brow at the boy that looked over me, shaking my head at a few sudden thoughts that came to mind. I turned my attention to the teacher as he walked into the room, motioning me and Maki to get up and introduce ourselves. We get up and walk to the front, doing as we are told. I bow, speaking, "Good morning, I am Kyoko Kirigiri, I hope we have a good school year together." I tried to act as pleasant as I could. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere. But I was forced to go. Maki broke my thoughts as she introduced herself. "Greetings, I am Maki Harukawa, it is a pleasure to meet you all." She said, with as little emotion. Maki isn't quite the one to express emotion. I've known her my whole life since our two demon houses are connected business wise. We both walked to our seats, sitting down.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the boy from before, staring at me. I couldn't help but let a faint blush appear on my cheeks before looking away as class started.

[ Maki and Kaito ]
((Kaito's POV))

I glanced over at Makoto and saw him glancing at Kirigiri. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. My little shit has grown up. I thought jokingly in my head, chuckling once more. I noticed Maki, out of the corner of my eye, glance over at me with no emotion in her eyes. Yet, I still smiled and waved. I couldn't help but smile more as she raised a brow, obviously confused.

((Maki's POV))

I raised a brow at the strange boy with dark purple hair who waved and smiled at me. Why would he do that? I thought, shaking my head. I watched as he passed me a note, groaning internally in annoyance. I'm trying to pay attention. Geez. This is going to be a long day.

((And that's is for the first chapter! Sorry that some parts were short! I just didn't want to make it too long and I didn't have many ideas. Feel free to suggest ideas!))

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