Chapter 4

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Adison Smith

I woke on the floor,my sheets were everywhere, and my pillows were on the ground with me.

I went inside the bathroom and to the sink and what I saw was pure horror my hair looked like a birds nest, while their was drool all the way down to my neck.

I brushed my teeth and toke my bath, combing my hair was pretty hard considering that it looks like a nest.

I walked over to my drawer and picked out a a white tee with a red hoddie and black jeans.

I put on my clothes and shoes, I grabbed my school bag, and walked out the door.

As usual I sat down on the couch while my parents and Coraline sat on the dinner table

"H-here you go m-miss" I heard a shy voicr stuttered, I looked up and saw girl maybe about 14 or 13 wearing a maid uniform,holding a tray of food on her hands, she must be new here.

"Thank you, and you are?" I asked, she looked at me then to the ground

"M-maid 354" She stuttered, this is what I hate about this place whenever I asked them what their name is they would just give me numbers

"N-No I mean you real name" I smiled at her, she looked at me hesistanly.

"It's Lu-Luna maam" She answered I nod and smiled at her.

After finishing my food and walked to school pulling my hood on

~At School~

I was walking the hall ways trying to ignore peoples, comments about me.

I don't know why I feel so ashamed whe they talk bad about me.

I was walking to my locker whem I heard heels clicking, I tunred around and saw Coraline and 3 of her minions and Sasha with 3 of her minions as well, both of them glaring daggers at each other.

If your wondering who Sasha is well, she's also the schools slut right next to my sister, and let me tell you they don't get along, they kept on saying their the most popular people here, which caused a whole war of popularity, the only thing they both have in commen is thier burning hatred for me.

The sounds of their heels got louder untik they stoped and I knew that if I turned around I wont like it.

"Well if isn't our favorite little slut" Sasha mocked I tried to ignore them but Coraline forcefully grabed my shoulder making me wince.

"Hey we're talking you bitch show us some respect!!!" Coraline demanded.

Why should I? What are you some kind of god?! Is what I what to say but I know that I not leaving here without a bruise or two.

"S-Sorry" I lowered my head, I could tell they're both smirking, before I knew it I was puched on my stomach repeatedly, and after that it turned into a punched fest where they punched, kicked, and slaped me.

"I'm getting brored" Coralinr whinned they all nodded I held my stomach, the intense pain was to much to handle.

All six of then left not before kicking me one last time, once they left I clunched on my stomach and tried to to walk towards the bathroom

While walking–no wait limbing I accidentaly bumped into a wall, A hard on.

"Woah, you okay?" I looked up and saw Ryder smirking at me, but it soom disappeared and was replacrd with a frown, his eyes had a look of concern

"What happend?" He tried to touch my cheek but I slapped it away and ran not looking back at him.

I was in the restroom, cleaning my wounds while trying to ignore the buzzing of my phone.

In a few minutes the door busted open revealing, a worried Leon and Violet.

"Oh my gosh, what happend to you?" Violet rushed over to me looling at my bruised up face.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it" I tried to convince them, but being the stuborn people they are, they grabed my wrist and pretty much draged me out of the bathroom

"G-guys come on I'm alright let's jjst go to clasd" I pleaded.

"No way! Adison you face looked like it was stomped on buy a herd! We have to get you to the nurse!!" Leon stated they both rushed me the nurses office.

"Hello there an– Oh my goodness Andy what happend to you?" Carly our school nurse asked rushing over to me.

"Don't worry Carly I'm fine, it was just Sasha and Coraline again" I answered giving her a reasuring smile, hoping that she would believe me, To my dismay, she didn't she placed me on one of the beds grabbed ointment.

"Thankyou for bringing her here, I guessing your here friends" She said looking at Violet and Leon.

"Yeah, of course we are" Leon said proundly.

Carly giggled "Well that's nice Andy here never really had any friends growing up" She said looking at me sadly

Okay let me explain, Carly here used to be my nanny when I was 4 years old, the year I started school, it didn't wemt to well, I didn't make any friends, Carly know this because I always tell her what happens at school.

"That's hard" Violet said, after that Carly finished treating my wounds she even did me a favor by adding some concealer to my fave and arms

"Okay your all finished up I'll tell your teachers that your not feeling well, I'm sure they'll understand" And by that I mean they really do, last time in middle school I asked the teacher if I could have a day off which he said yes to considering I was his favorite student.

"Thanks Carly" I smiled softly at her, she was about to say something but the doors brusted causing everyone in the room to turn there heads to ever did that.

To my surprise it was Ryder and his friends one of them looked badly injured.

"Hey, Carly we need some help here" One of Ryder's friends called out I think his name was Ben.

Carly sighed and looked at me "Sorry to ask you ut can you get the bandags on the top shelf" I nod I walked over to the shelf when I spoted the bandages I stood up on my tippy toes and tried to reach it.

"You look like your having trouble" I turned around and saw Ryder smirking at me.

"I-I know" I muttered, Jesus Adison why do you have to stutter so much

"What happend to all that confidence yesterday?" He smirked making my cheeks red, I shook it off and glared at him, I tried to reach for the bandags again, but someone already took it, and that someone is Ryder.

"Here you Babe" He said handing it to me, I thank him and gave it to Carly.

I've been thinking that Ryder is really Bipolar,  when I first bumbed into him he acted like a jerk, but once he saw me dancing he acted all nice and flirty, also annoying.

Ryder Paul I will never understnad.

I wonder if this counts as a short chapter, maybe not.

BTW, picture above is Sasha and Coraline.

Hope you enjoy BYR😁


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