Chapter 4

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We showed the guard our tickets and her happily lead us in. We were taken to a room and were told to wait. I was so nervous to meet them especially Neymar.😊☺️. Myst wouldn't stop talking about Hulk, she kinda has a thing for him😏. Finally they came in the room, oh god I hope I don't look bad or anything. Me and Myst stood up speechless staring at the team. "Uh hi I'm Marcelo" Marcelo greeted breaking the silence. "Um hi I'm Sar-" I cut off by Neymar. "Your Sarina, singer, actor and the daughter of PUNK singr Billie Joe Armstrong." He said with a smirk. "oh sorry and I'm Ney-" I cut him off.

"Your Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior. Footballer and son of Nadine Santos and Neymar da Silva Sr" I said with a smirk imitating Neymar. The boys started 'ooooo'ing. One by one the team introduced them selves last was Hulk. He talked to Myst first and kissed her hand and everyone else (including me) started oooooing it was funny. We all started talking about football and the Neymar asked

"How did you get into football?" I was thinking on how I did.

"Well Neymar when I was little my dad would always be on tour. I felt kind of lonely. Scared. One say my brother came home with a football. I asked him to teach me how to play. He didn't really teach me how to kick or do a header or even stop a ball. Everyone in my family said I was a natural. So I decided to keep my interest in it" I said with a tear rolling down my cheek remembering my brother.

"Sarina we all miss him"she said in a soft voice.

"What do u mean by we all miss him?" Hulk asked

"A day after my 16th birthday my brother was stabbed to death all because he forgot to give a stupid video game back" I said now sobbing. the boys came up to me and try to comfort me. Then Neymar sat down beside me and pulled me to him and hugged me. I started sobbing into his chest.

"I know what it's like to lose someone. It hurts. Especially if it was for a stupid reason like that.... He's probably with god staring down on you right now. It's going to be ok, I promise , it will get better." He said whispering in a soft tone. I started to feel better and I apologized for what just happen.

"Why are you saying sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." Neymar said.

Hulk and Myst were talking together and I'm pretty sure I saw them exchange numbers.

"If you need anything just call me, here give me your phone." I gave Neymar my phone and he typed his number in. He gave me his phone and I put my number in. I put my contact as 'Sarina the hottie' he looked at it and took my phone back. I looked at what he put as his name it was 'Neymar the sexy' I giggled at what he put. It was time to go me and Myst said bye to the boys. The gave us huge hugs. Hulk practically squished Myst (hehe dat rhymed)

And Neymar gave me the biggest softest and gentle hug I ever had. Me and Myst got into my care and drove back to my house. Myst was just gushing happiness! I was funny lol. *DING* I got a text.

(B:bf, S: Sarina)

B: can I come over tonight?

S:idk Myst is going to be her

B:idc but can I?

S: fine what time?

B: in about 30 min

S: ok see ya

B:see ya

I turned my phone off and Myst looked and me smiling

"Was it Neymar?? She asked

" No it was Brendan, he's coming over in 30 min" I said and her expression changed. Me and Myst ordered pizza for dinner. Just then I heard a knock. I open the door and it was Brendan.... Standing with Sophia... One of my best friends.

"What's going on?" I asked starting to get nervous

" Sorry I tell ya but I've been cheating on u for a bit and frankly I don't want anything to do with you!" Him and Sophia started laughing.

"With Sophia my best friend?!?!'' I yelled

"Yeah he just wanted a really woman like me and not some stupid PUNK girl who cuts herself!" How did she know....

"Brendan you- you told her that I cut? You swore you wouldn't tell!" I screamed while crying.

"I didn't care. Just remember why I broke up with you.... Your stupid, your ugly and you can NEVER get a boyfriend, your lifeless ,and a worthless piece of shit!" He yelled making me cry even harder. Just then... *POW*



Hey watcha think happen?

How was this chapter?

Should I continue?

Did u poop you pants?💩

Do u think in PUNK or Naw?

Are you sure u didn't poop your pants?💩

K guys dis was chapta 4 yay wioooo🙌😉😉😊😭💩💩💩☺️😭☺️😍❤️😂😄☺️😂😂😊😭😭😉😀😃❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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