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I woke up and looked at my phone for the time and it's basically 6 in the morning so I went out checking if Kendall's still in her room which she is and she's still sleeping peacefully. I changed into a sports bra and a shorts and a pair of white Nike's as I went out to go for a jogging. Once I finished for like an hour and a half I jog towards Starbucks to get two coffees and once I'm back Kendall's all dressed up already as I hand out one coffee to her

"You hungry? I'll cook some food for us" I asked but she just shakes her head and grabs her bag

"Where are you going this early?" I asked looking at the time which is almost 8 in the morning

"Work" she says coldly as she grab the coffee and leaves. Okay that's fucking weird, I mean we just had a great night yesterday which is basically seeing Kendall's soft side and now she's giving me a cold treatment?

I just shrugged it off and decided to just talk to Kendall later so I cooked my own breakfast and made sure to call Emma after that. Ariana also send me a message which is a picture of her wit headphones on probably recording in the studio so I texted her back saying 'call me if you have time' she didn't let me wait for even a minute when she started calling, and not just an ordinary call she wants to face time so I answered it and her cute little face who's already smiling appeared

"Hey" I said while walking towards the couch

"Hi gorgeous" she says as I smile at her

"Aren't you busy?" I asked since the headphones is hanging around her neck

"Busy? That's not a word in my vocabulary when it comes to you" she says as I smile widely again

"Such a charmer" I laughed softly "how's recording?" I asked while she's drinking some water

"I'm excited for the whole album" she says with a wide smile that just explains her whole excitement

"well you see Grande, I don't want to interrupt you session and if you're stopping the whole recording stuff just to call me then I surely appreciate that but some people are working with you and they're probably tired. Why don't you finish that and call me after?" I said and she's just cutely pouting

"Alright, I'll call you later bye" she says and I was about to hang up but she stopped me

"Do you know your name on my phone?" she asks as she probably changed my name since I'm the one who put it down

"Nope" I said popping the 'p' and she chuckled softly

"I'll send a screen shot to you" she said so I nodded and waved before ending the call and in no time she sent a screenshot and it says 'my everything' that's really cute of her. I then changed her name in my phone to 'my smol bean' and send it to her as she send some smiling and heart emojis as I stopped texting her to let her do her job as I open the TV to just watch some random movies for almost the whole day. Ariana called again at noon and she told me after some hours of talking that she'll rest for a couple of hours I let her and ended the call. I decided to cook something up while waiting for Kendall.

I cooked some steak and curry as I waited for her and kept reheating the food every hour till she went home at 10 pm

"Hey, how's your day?" I asked as she started walking

"Fine" she says coldly again and went inside her room shutting it

"Kendall, I prepared dinner" I said and waited for some seconds till she replied

"I'm not hungry" I sighed and started knocking since her door's close and I don't have a spare key for it

"Kendall, what's the problem? Let's talk. Let me in or come out her" I said. No reply

"Kendall let's talk" no reply

"Kendall, don't give me a cold treatment when we're all fine last night" no reply

"okay, I'll let you" I said and walk towards the kitchen to eat but I basically just ate a little amount of it since I don't have an appetite so I wash the plate I used and the fork as I stood up shutting the lights off at the kitchen and letting the living room lights on. Before going back to my room I knock on Kendall's room lightly

"Just go out if you're hungry" I said and walks inside my room shutting it and plugging my phone as I take a shower. After I took a shower I heard some noise outside which is probably Kendall. I just let her eat rather than going outside and scaring her and she'll end up not eating anything. I dried my hair and sit down at my bed waiting for her to finish.

When she turned the lights off and I heard her door closed I stood up and cleaned up my things a bit and sent Ariana and Emma a goodnight text before tucking myself in my bed and closing the bedside light and tried to sleep even though it's pretty hard not knowing if Kendall's mad or not, but she also don't have a reason to be mad since I comforted her last night. Or she's just having a bad day or she didn't sleep well last night. Or she's just not into talking terms with me or she feels little awkward around me. I don't know what this is but all I want is for us to talk again.

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