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After the vacation, they all went back to their own places while Ariana decided to stay at Kath's house. Kendall didn't stay at her mom's instead she went back to her own apartment. The same day, they also left to talk to the new attorney and it really keeps putting some weird feelings towards Katherine and she doesn't know why. They both went there in time and the whole time the Attorney seems to be in a rush that makes it really weird cause Kris hired him because he's a private attorney and he may not have loads of clients. Kendall is in a rush so when the meeting is done she excused herself and go out living Katherine there.

"Aren't you going home to get your clothes" Katherine asks looking at Ariana who's laying comfortably on the couch while watching random movie in Netflix

"I'll just borrow your clothes" she says so Katherine nodded and head over to the kitchen looking at the time and saw that it's already 9pm "Ari, do you want me to just order some food or I'll just make some vegetable salad for us? " she yelled softly from the kitchen so Ariana can hear her clearly

"Veggie salad please" Ariana says cutely and she just nodded even though Ariana won't be able to see it

She prepared their food and she's done in about 15 minutes putting it in two bowls but she remembered that Em is still upstairs sleeping so she look back seeing the other bowls at the sink so she just put some more on the other bowl. She run towards Emma's room and open it up seeing Emma laying down, on her phone so she knocked on the door lightly to catch her attention

"Hey, vegetable salad for dinner" she says while Emma put her phone down and walk outside with Katherine

"You can have this Ari, Emma and I will just share. " Katherine says handing the bowl to Ariana but Emma immediately grabs it

"You guys share, I have a cold" she says sniffing so both Kath and Ariana nod sitting down at the couch

They kept watching till midnight when Katherine receives a text message from Kendall

[ Kendall - 12:34am ]
Please come over

It seems so urgent that Katherine jumps out of the couch making Ariana look at her and a sleeping Emma on her other side.

"I'm gonna go to Kendall's, it seems urgent. Please look after Emma since she's feeling a bit under the weather" Katherine says in a quick but clear pace as she grab a coat and her keys rushing out to drive to Kendall's

After driving for about five minutes, she arrived at Kendall's apartment. It's pretty crowded with paps outside so this must be a serious one. She decided to go at the back as she texted Kendall that she's at the back not trying to be spotted. Later on a huge guy which is Kendall's bodyguard knocks on Katherine's window making her turn to look at him then she went out once she recognized the guard. He started walking and opening up doors for Katherine as he kept guarding him till they reached the elevator.

Once she's on the floor where Kendall lives there's some more guards around but they let Katherine walk thoroughly as she open up the door since it isn't locked because of this amount of guards. Katherine heard Kendall talking loud enough to not be heard outside. She walks to the living room seeing Kendall standing with one hand on her forehead. She's practically shouting at the other line but she's keeping it low at the same time not wanting to caught some attention. After a while she turn around seeing you as she told the other person that she'll just call back and ended it.

"What happened? " you asked then she didn't say anything and kept standing while she open up the television to switch from channel to channel which all are news about your marriage. Your brows immediately furrowed as you saw them all. After a couple of switching Kendall shut it off and let go of a deep sigh

"We can just deny it, our statement is what matter anyways " Katherine says and Kendall kept shaking her head abruptly

"We can't okay? We can't" Kendall says trying to keep calm even though she wanted to explode from the inside

"We can Kendall, there will always be a way--" Kendall immediately cut Katherine off by looking at her with her red eyes that looks like she'll cry any second and how her brows are furrowed explains how disappointed she is

"My job is what's on the line right now Katherine!  You can't just say we can release a statement and everyone will believe us! " Kendall says with so much madness in her voice

"I also don't want this to happen Kendall. We just didn't know that fucking attorney will do all these" the other girl says making Kendall scratch her head not knowing what to do "for once, think about us helping each other and not blaming one another" she ended and Kendall faced her again with tears streaming down her face

"Katherine, my job comes first! This is what I've been wanting since then and it'll just be ruined by a fucking marriage certificate! " she yelled out as she kept crying

"Kendall, i also have a fucking job. I also have a reputation to protect like you do. Whether your fucking job earns more than I do that doesn't mean I don't take importance of it as well. Kendall, we both don't want this to happen but you're just making all of this hard since when we're in Paris. I thought we're good, great even. But you just cut it all off with what? What's your reason? Your fucking job again? Of course you do love modeling a lot but don't let it blind you once you're at the top. No matter what happens, even if you have this shitty marriage that's going all around the world, they'll still accept you if they wanted to. " Katherine says breathing out as she brush her hair off of her face. "I'm willing to help you whether we're not in good terms. I even thought of not wanting to file a divorce anymore when we're in Paris but damn everything just really changes and I guess this will happen eventually" she says as she leaved kendall there as she go outside being surrounded with lots of paps. Lots of questions are being thrown but she kept quiet making the paps do so.

"Let Kendall out of this shitty news. No one is married. Don't be a fool over a single person saying that we are married. " She says and made her way to her car driving out of there

( thank you for the love and support that y'all are giving. I love y'all so much xx)

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