2. Return?

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A/N:  Hope nobody minds I put Eddie with Iris in the story, Eobard will play a part as well in the future!

Do not own DC or CW characters .


Hall of Justice

"I don't understand. It should have worked"

As the dreaded words of 'system failure' was displayed in front of the Justice League, the depressing atmosphere had once again returned. The heroes slumped with their heads down started walking to the exits, back to their respectable cities.

Watching the sights of the crumbling team had infuriated Kara, seeing them give up so easily. After reading the note from Barry, she had something brewed within her she did not feel upon Barry's disappearance.

"Hey! Hey!" she shouted gaining the attention of the members of her team. Surprised by her outburst but they turned shocked due to her sudden anger.

"What do you think Barry would want us to do? We can't keep being like this! We are a team and a team stick together." Turning her head to Cisco she exclaimed "You said that if Barry would be gone forever, Gideon will no longer exist, and as far as I can see the wave rider is operating just fine." Kara had never shown such strength and confidence, but instead of arguing, the league members thought that this may be a start. Turning over a new leaf, and bringing hope once again into their lives. Protecting their city was their cause, but having a league, a team, a family is what brought them together. A family sticks together through thick and thin throughout everything in life.

"She's right." Oliver confirmed giving Kara a proud but small smirk. Kara was trying to be the hope the team needed. As well as the rest of the League members nodding telling themselves what they are doing is selfish. As sad as it is, even family sometimes comes and goes. Coming into realisation that the legacy of the Justice League should be kept to protect and to serve.

"You can lead us... But for now there seems to be no thr-"

A sudden perpetual beeping started to ring from the monitors and had interrupted Oliver's train of thought. 'Of course something happens'. Oliver murmurs quietly. While everyone seems more confident and ready to take on a fight again as a team, they stand awaiting but hadn't noticed seeping gas coming through the doors.

Perhaps they are out of practice.

"The energy instruments are picking up chaotic readings 112 - outside of Ivy City."

"That's 300 miles away."

Ignoring the remark, Cisco continued "It seems like a tear in the time and space continuum has been opened. - One second... let me match this to the... day that Barry left."

"Felicity bring up satellite cameras on the vicinity. We are dealing with a breather we might not know of, they haven't appeared in STAR, they can be a danger." Kara commanded

"I'm sorry Kara, it's a total wasteland out there and there isn't a single camera that's not 50m away from the location. Felicity uttered.

'Urgh' she thought. Slightly embarrassed that on her first day of leading, she had made a very stupid call.

"Alright, Oliver and Thea, please can you go over there now. - Take these comms. Report to us what you find."

Once the Green Arrow and Speedy had left to find out what happened at the breach. Another beeping came in from monitor but this time it had been a reminder instead of an alert.

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