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"I need your help guys, more than ever."


Mark and Harris were still at the mech. It had been a few hours since the three left and they hadn't come back yet. They weren't too worried, because if there was anything wrong they would have alerted them, right?

Harris was in his lab, making adjustments for the new weapon he was designing. Mark was down in the lower part of the mech, fixing things that needed tuning up and repairing the little gears and wires that don't receive much attention when they are in battle.

The guys were now in the X-deck having a break.
"Hey Harris, have they said anything yet?" Mark asked.
"Nope the links are quiet." Harris answered.
"Should we be worried?" Mark said.
"I don't think so." Harris said.
"Maybe we should call them just in case." Mark said.
"Yea that's a good idea." Harris responded.

The two went into the computer area and sent out a secure call to Ryan's mech link.
No answer.
"He didn't answer. What if he's in trouble!" Mark panicked.
"Hold on, let's try Spyder." Harris calmed.
They called Spyder.
No answer.
"Okay. Umm let's try V" Harris said. He was beginning to get worried as well.
They called V.
No answer.
"Okay now we should be worried." Harris stated.
"Where are you Ry?" Mark said to himself.


Ryan awoke with a jolt, getting a swift surge of pain through his head. He held it as he slowly opened his eyes. He realized he was still in the abandoned factory and the memories of the event before came flooding back.

It was then he saw Spyder, a few steps away, beginning to stir. Ryan sat up and ran over to him.
"Spyder! Are you okay!" Ryan said.
Spyder groaned.
Ryan was helping his friend sit up and when Spyder gained his strength, they stood up.
"Yea...I think I'm alright." Spyder said quietly.
"You took a big hit bro." Ryan stated.
"Yea I know. I'll be alright though." Spyder replied.

Spyder looked around the dimly lit room and noticed something.
"Ryan, where's Veracity?"
Ryan's eyes went wide.
"I don't know! Before I got knocked out, Seth had her with a gun to her head!" He panicked.
"Oh my god. What if he took her!?" Spyder panicked.
"Okay we need to stay calm and get back to the mech. Once we're there, we can figure out a way to get her back." Ryan said.
"Yea you're right...plus I think we should get Harris to scan us... I really don't feel good." Spyder said.
"Yea we should get back then." Ryan said, noticing the weak condition his friend was in.


Veracity was locked in a cell. She was cuffed to the wall and there were three walls that surrounded her. The one in front of her was all bars. She looked at her wrist to see that Seth took off her mech link. Great.

The bars slid open to reveal Seth.
"Hello Veracity. Comfy?" Seth smiled.
"What do you want with me Seth?" V asked calmly. She wasn't panicked. She knew panicking would do her no good.
"Ah right to the point I see. Well, I have a valuable piece of information for you." Seth explained.
"And what's that." V asked.
"I know who your mother is." Seth smirked.


When Ryan and Spyder got back to the robot, they got in the elevator and made their way up. Spyder wasn't doing very well, he took a really hard hit, and it was getting harder and harder for him to stay upright.

When the elevator doors opened, Mark and Harris ran over.
"You're okay! We were so worried!" Mark yelled. He immediately noticed Spyder's condition.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I'll explain later, just get him to the med bay!" Ryan yelled.

Harris ran to get the scans ready and Ryan and Mark supported Spyder as he limped into the med bay. Once Spyder was laying on the bed, Mark noticed something else.
"Wait, where's Veracity?"
"Seth took her." Ryan said sadly.

I hope this was okay! I promise the next chapter will be soooo good. Prepare for plot twists. Anyways thx for reading!

 Mech-X4: VeracityWhere stories live. Discover now