16 year old Seven Layla Marie Carter has been through it all. She struggled day and night with her mother and brother up until the day her mother found Anthony (the wealthiest man in Atlanta) who had made a tremendous change in their life. Of cours...
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"Ewww, look at six wearing the same pants she did on Monday." Justin teased. I took a deep breath trying not to cry. This is an everyday thing, I should be used to it by now. Ever since my dad left my mom our life has been a living hell, we still wear the same clothes from two years ago, we live in a homeless shelter, we've slept on the side of the road multiple nights, I've sold drugs before, robbed houses, everything. People at this school don't even understand what the word struggle means. I mean like I don't give a fuck but then again I get bullied everyday, it makes me feel some type of way when people say mean things to me.
"Shut the fuck up Justin, you always speaking shit on everybody but can't even last for thirty seconds. You're a minute man." Everybody laughed at Peaches including me.
Peaches is one of my best friends, she's always there when I'm in need of her, especially times like this. "I'm not a fucking minute man, ask your mother." He winked at Peaches and she returned the middle finger.
"Awwl, I know you want to." Peaches smacked her teeth. "I'm you're dreams bitch. Come on Seven." She dragged me away from the loud crowd. "So I have to tell you something." We stopped at our locker.. we share one since we barely bring anything to school anyway. "Whatever it is I'm pretty sure it's important since you still haven't spilled the tea yet, especially because you're always running your mouth. So come on, tell me." I nudged her shoulder. She smirked. "I lost my virginity." I gasped. "To who?!" I yelled. She laughed then shushed me. "Chris." She whispered making me laugh.
"You're lying" I snorted. She smacked her teeth. "You're telling me, you lost your virginity to Christian Michelson, the most popular boy at Jackson High, the same guy that put us through hell when we were freshmen's , the same dude that threw me in a ditch when I was 14?!? Are you stupid or retake-" She cleared her throat and looked beside me. I turned my head to see the asshole himself and scoffed. "Hey Se-" I cut him off. "Bye!" I rolled my eyes. "You're still mad about what I did when I was a junior aren't you? Come on Seven, it's not that deep girl." I shook my head. "Whatever, you wouldn't know the feeling of itching from your head to toe from poison ivy would you? No because you weren't the one that got thrown in a ditch!" I yelled. "Excuse my best friend, she's famous when it comes to holding grudges." I scoffed. I can't believe my best friend would do me like this, doesn't anybody in this damn school know what loyalty means. I shook my head just thinking about it. "Seven!" Peaches waves her hand in my face. I rolled my eyes. "What?" I got my books for geometry out and history. "We're going to Chris's house after school today, he's having a mini kickback and invited us." She cheesed. "The only reason he invited me was because of you, you can go by yourself. I rather stay at home than be humiliated at this dumb little party." I sighed then walked off.
I know Peaches looks at things from a different perspective but that's because she hadn't been in my shoes, hell she wouldn't want to. I look like a homeless person compared to Peaches, no fine ass senior would ever hang out with me intentionally.
"Laylay!" My little brother clutched onto me. I smiled and hugged him tightly.
"I missed you too, Cash." He dragged me into our Uncles living room were my mom, uncle, auntie, and some man was. They all looked like they just had a serious conversation and my uncle looked mad.
"What's wrong unc?" I walked over and sat next to him.
"Ask your crazy ass mother." I looked over at her and she rolled her eyes at my uncle.
"You said it yourself Terry you don't want us living under your roof anymore so don't try to act like you don't want us to leave you fool. Laylay babygirl, we're moving out of here." I frowned.
"To where? We have nowhere to stay." The man pointed a finger in the air.
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"I have offered your mother a lifetime job deal at ATL studio records, today I overheard her singing at a gas station and I thought that her talent would make me a large amount of money, so on spot I told her the deal and she agreed with no hesitation. You're uncle on the other hand doesn't agree, but I will give you all 1 hour, if you want to come then my car will be outside waiting with the driver, if not then just stay inside, and they'll be on their way. Now I have a meeting I need to attend to in 30 minutes exactly which I'll already be ten minutes late. And Mrs.Carter, I would personally think if you took the deal, I'd make you one of the most talented client I've ever had, and that's next to Alicia Keys, Ciara, Destiny's Child, and more. Have a good evening, and I hope to see you tomorrow morning." He smiled then got up and left. I was so confused.
"This still doesn't explain where the hell we're gonna be staying." I blurted out. "Watch your language and we will be staying at an apartment which Mr.Anthony will be renting the first three months then we start paying ourselves but with the job I'll have enough money to pay it by the second month. We don't need to buy any furniture or anythiny, it's all already there. You'll be going to the same schools, and we get our own car. I don't give a damn what your uncle has to say, I'm not gonna block my blessings. Go get whatever y'all want, I'll be outside waiting." She rushed outside.
"Why are you upset if were finally gonna stop struggling , you should be happy." He sighed. "I just don't feel safe with y'all just going off with this unknown nigga, you feel me?" I shrugged. "I understand, but then again what if it's everything we been praying for? If something happens, I know your number by heart so I'll call you if anything happens." He nodded then hugged me. "I love y'all, okay? And call me everyday so I know y'all are always safe." I nodded.
"Oh my God, look at these apartments! They're so beautiful. And look y'all, it's a pool." My mother exclaimed pointing every little detail out. My brother loved it and I did too but it just didn't feel real.
"Here we are ma'am." The driver pulled up and gave us two sets of keys.
"One set is to the apartment complex in front of us and the other is to the black 2017 Cadillac next to us." My mother gasped and I smiled. "Thank the lord, because he is precious!" She snatched the keys then ran to the door.
Seeing my mother like this made me happy, because usually she's always stressing with a frown on her face. But right now she's glowing. This is the nicest thing anybody has ever done to us. God finally answered our prayers.
The inside was beautiful, it was a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom, big kitchen with a bar, big living room with a fire place, beautiful stairs, and from the balcony you could see everything in Atlanta. "Get y'all asses in the car we're going shopping!" My momma screamed. I rushed down the stairs and ran out the house.