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The engagement party was held at one of Dominic's immense country estates about thirty minutes from New York City. Lil and Abby had gone over the details with the staff in the morning to ensure that everything went smoothly. Security was evident in every corner of the compound.

Mrs. Duhamel had offered to watch Colby for the day so Lil could support Abby as she fluctuated from being excited about the big day to being a nervous wreck. It still amazed Lil that beneath her strong façade, Abby worried and succumbed to the occasional panic just like she did.

To alleviate their stress, Abby and Lil spent two hours having their hair and nails done by the stylists Dominic had hired for them. Eventually Lil had returned to her own suite to dress alone. Well, alone was really an exaggeration of the situation. Lil was feeling a bit crowded by the entourage whose sole job was to anticipate her every need. Abby said she wouldn't notice the staff or the security after a while, but Lil was longing for the privacy of her penthouse. Did Jake live like this? Lil couldn't imagine him tolerating the constant intrusion.

That evening, Lil stood at the top of the stairs in a sleeveless, floor length orange dress, wondering if she had chosen her attire wisely. Many of the women she could see were much more demurely dressed in either a sophisticated black or subdued red.

Nicole waved to Lil from across the room, looking every bit as comfortable in her floor length, off-one-shoulder, claret Erdem dress. She and Stephan move seamlessly through the crowd, stopping to engage in what appeared to be just the right amount of small talk with each group of guests before moving on to the next cluster of people.

Dominic and Abby were located at the far end of the hall, greeting people who were casually making their way to meet them. The party looked like a scene out of movie. Everyone looked so poised, so perfect.

I don't even know how to address them.

I should have asked.

No, I should have pretended to be sick tonight, that's what I really should have done.

How am I going to be Abby's maid of honor if I'm not even brave enough to leave the top of the stairway?

As if on cue, Jake appeared at the bottom of the stairs in a simple, formal tuxedo. The warmth in his eyes as he looked up at her freed her feet. She forced herself to take the stairs gracefully instead of flying to his side as she wanted to.

When she reached him, he kissed her lightly on the cheek, linked her arm with his and whispered, "You look stunning tonight."

Tucked against his side, lost in the magic of the evening, she lowered her sarcastic shield and replied, "So, do you."

He stopped and looked down at her, smiling. "Ms. Dartley, did you just give me a compliment?"

She couldn't help but return his smile. "I can be nice."

He bent and growled into her ear, "But I've begun to consider your taunts a form of foreplay."

She playfully swatted his arm. "You would."

His words tickled her ear. "If we were alone I would show you exactly what you do to me, but I can wait until tonight."

"Tonight?" Her throat dried and her heart pounded in her chest.

"Oh, yes, after Dom and Abby make their announcement, I'm going to steal you away to my private suite in the north wing."

"And just what makes you think I'll go with you?"

He ducked behind a potted plant with her and claimed her lips hungrily. She hesitated for just a second before meeting his lips enthusiastically. His tongue teased then entered, coaxing and exciting. His hands molded her frame to his, firmly holding her against the evidence of his need for her. "You'll come."

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