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How could I have been such a fool?

Lil fought to hold back the tears that were surging within her. It wasn't like Jake had ever lied to her. He'd clearly said that he didn't love her. Why do women try to read emotion into everything a man says when really the translation was much less impressive?

"I want you," simply meant "I want to have sex with you."

"Live with me," meant "I want to have sex with you on a regular basis."

"Marry me," meant "I'm willing to share my stuff to have sex with you."

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"Lil?" Her sister met her in the hallway, blocking her escape up the stairs.

Oh, great, Abby. Lil tried to stretch her trembling lips into a smile and knew she failed by the concern she saw in her sister's eyes.

Even worse, Dominic appeared behind Abby.

Lil spoke to their shoes. "I won't ruin your big night. I just need a few minutes to freshen up."

Abby took her by the hand and simply held on until she looked up and met her eyes. "Lil, I don't care about any of this if you're not happy. What happened? I saw you and Jake earlier and you both looked like you were having a great time."

Lil sobbed her confession into one hand. "I fell in love with him, but he doesn't feel the same."

Dominic crossed his arms. "This is why he has to marry her."

Abby shook her head. "Not now, Dom."

"You like seeing your sister like this?"

"No, but you can't make people work out their issues." Abby's reasonable tone was not mirrored by her fiancé.

"Watch me."

Lil sniffed and saw the love behind the tornado. She'd misjudged Dominic. He wasn't a fantasy and he did love her sister. That his love for Abby extended to her family was humbling. Lil impatiently wiped away a tear and said, "Dominic, it will be a proud day for me when you marry my sister and I get to call you my brother."

Dominic puffed up with pride. He smiled down at his fiancé. "See, Lil agrees with me."

Abby shook her head and hugged her sister. "What are you going to do, Lil?"

Lil lifted her chin up and said, "I'm going to compose myself and then I am going to go back into the party and enjoy hearing you formally announce your engagement."

Abby pulled back a bit and looked her sister in the eye. "And?"

Lil nodded as she made her inner resolution. "And then I'm going to return to Boston and look for a job."

Dominic said, "I own several companies in Boston. Name a job and you'll have it."

Lil smiled at her new protector, grateful for the millionth time recently that her sister had found happiness. Maybe one day she would find the same for herself. Rebellion was replaced by self-awareness. Her words were simply said and held no anger. "I don't want your charity, Dominic."

"There is no such thing as charity when it comes to family," Dominic countered.

"I don't even know what I want to do, Dom. I might take an office job for now and sign up for some art classes. I have so much I need to figure out."

"How about an entry level position in a graphic design department? I'll tell people I don't even like you. You could sink or swim on your own," Dominic said.

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