Nejiyuyu - Beginnings

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Nejire hadn't particularly struggled with most things in her life, mostly because she didn't really try to fight against things she couldn't control. She tended to just allow things to fall wherever they fell, and to move along with the flow that was life. To her, there wasn't much point in doing anything but making the best out of what one had.

That wasn't to say she didn't put her best foot forward into everything that she did. Without question, anyone who knew her would defend her and her drive. She had a stubborn streak in her that people who got to knew her would see that fairly easily.

When she said that she wanted to be a Hero, the idea had buried itself right into her head, and there wasn't anything that could stop her. That mentality was what had gotten her into Yuuei's Heroics department, and why she was training to be a Hero now.

It had been three months since then, and so far, the first year had decided that her favorite part of the school was the rooftop, since it was rather isolated and had a nice view of the surrounding area.

Normally, she was a busy person. Along with Heroics, Yuuei had a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, and, being the kind of person that she was, Nejire had ended up taking on most of them. And her schedule was normally packed, if not for one club or another, then for Heroics, and if not that, some other commitment outside Yuuei. Her life was busy, and she liked it like that.

But when she had a few moments to spare, she liked the tranquility. It was relaxing, and no one else seemed to know about this place. At least, that's what she had thought.

Just as Nejire let out a yawn and stretched her hands into the air, she heard a metallic clank behind her, and a creek of the door that lead to the rooftop opening. Her mouth still wide open, the blue haired girl turned her head automatically towards the source of the noise. She expected to see a caretaker or a teacher.

She didn't expect to see another student. Over the course of her time at the school, she hadn't seen any other students come up here whatsoever. She'd assumed that no one else bothered to come up. Their eyes both met while Nejire was still mid yawn. About a second passed, and it was clear the newcomer suddenly felt awkward about appearing at this exact moment. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone else would be up here."

The student in question was a red-head girl who was just slightly shorter than Nejire herself. Said red hair was very short, and cropped, the exact contrast of Nejire's own long and plentiful locks. Nejire paused for a moment, and tried to place the girl she was looking at. She didn't recognize her by name, but she was sure that she had seen her before. Not in the Hero course class though. At least not hers, anyway.

For a moment, it looked like she was going to double back and leave immediately. Forcing her jaw to shut and letting her hands fall to her sides, she quickly spoke up before the new arrival could leave, and put on her friendliest smile. "Hey, hey, it's fine! Come on up! There's plenty of room for two people up here!"

There was a brief pause, like the arrival was debating if she wanted to actually share space with this stranger. What was going through her head, Nejire didn't have the faintest idea, but she seemed to decide that awkwardness should be put aside, and made her way onto the rooftop.

"I didn't think anyone else knew about this place!" Cheerfully, Nejire used her Quirk to bounce towards the arrival, to get a better look at her, as well as introduce herself. She paused when was about a meter away from the girl, noticing her green eyes. "You... You kinda look familiar, but I feel like I don't see you too often. You're not Hero Course?"

"I'm... Support."

"Oh, cool! So you make all the gadgets and stuff for Hero costumes!"

"Yeah... As for why I look familiar... We've uh... Met before."

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