MomoKendou - Free Day

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"Try not to miss me too much. Just call me if you need anything."

"I can look after myself."

She had said that a week ago, and three hours later, Momo had found wrapped up in the blanket that she and Itsuka often shared on film nights, or when it was too cold. Without Itsuka, it hadn't been quite the same, but it gave her a slight sense of comfort. It was something that the pair of them shared.

It had traces of her scent. Psychosomatically, she could feel Itsuka's warmth. It felt like she was there. Like she wasn't gone.

Halfway across the country.

Itsuka had had to leave to attend to family issues with relatives in the Hokkaido region and had been meeting with Hero agencies while there at the same time, trying to make connections there, and had even offered to speak to some school children in the nearby area. She mentioned that they were apparently all eager to meet the Pro Hero Battle Fist. It certainly seemed like she was enjoying her time there, if nothing else.

Still, Momo missed her. Was that selfish?

The Large Fist Quirk user seemed to be enjoying being around family from the messages that the pair of them had exchanged. She seemed happy. And it made Momo feel guilty about wanting her to be back home, with her, just because she was lonely, and missed her girlfriend. She missed sharing their bed, eating meals together, and just talking to her, face to face. Moreover, than that though?

She'd been struggling living on her own.

After failing to figure out how a can opener works.

Seven days in Hokkaido had been a change of pace that Itsuka hadn't realized that she had needed until now. Away from the city, and into the countryside for a few days, on the northern island of Japan, she had found just the time away from the constant stress and rush that living in Musutafu came with. It had been both a relaxing reunion with family, as well as a new experience.

During her time at Yuuei when the school opted into a boarding school format, her family had packed up and moved to Hokkaido, as they had talked about doing many times throughout her childhood. Mostly, they had remained where they were for Itsuka's stability, but once she moved into the Hero school, there wasn't a need to hang around on the mainland anymore. Not that they hadn't seen her. They had visited and met Momo – The girlfriend Itsuka always talked about, and that her family had grown to adore – And kept in touch. But this was the first time that Itsuka had gone to visit them on the northern territory. Otaru was a beautiful town, as it turned out. Her family had chosen a beautiful place to live.

Still it wasn't home. Not her home, anyway, even though her parents had insisted that it was, just as much as their old home in the Chiba prefecture had been. But it wasn't anymore.

Her home was Musutafu, with Momo, in their apartment in the middle of the city.

Itsuka had fallen in love with Momo during their Yuuei years. Really, how could anyone not fall in love with Momo Yaoyorozu? She'd fallen hard for the girl in her sister class for so many reasons. Her beauty, her attractiveness, that kind, tender heart full of compassion and care. Her intellect, and the skill she had. That determination to be the best Hero that she could be, and how creative she was in her efforts to do so. Half of Yuuei had seemed to have crushes on her. She could have been with absolutely anyone that she wanted to be with.

And Itsuka was the person that she chose, and that was something that she was never going to get used to. Every time she thought about it like that, it made her face blush and her heart flutter. It didn't seem to matter that Yuuei had been four years go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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