Searching for You

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The narrow path

One side, a cliff

The other, an abyss

Hardly enough room to walk

If I fall

Would I rather

The cliff or the abyss?

Decisions, decisions

The abyss represents

Darkness of every kind

A place void of any light or love

Death reigns with no chance of life

The cliff is a symbol

Of fear of every kind

To fall would be to experience

All of my fears at once

So I stay along the narrow path

Hoping against hope

That I won't fall into 

Either of these fearful places

One thought keeps me going

And that is you

Unnamed, Unknown

I search for you

I'll know when I find you 

Because you'll have found me

And you, too, will have avoided

Falling into the abyss or off the cliff

You've suffered similarly

All to find me

And hold me close

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