Giving In

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It'd been a few months now...since the death of Gate and the true birth of Minus. Because I'd lost my gate keepers, we had to train a new one, I suppose. No one had shown up to claim the position, so they all began training to become it themselves. My fallen angel, X, learned to control his ambitions to control flame and he still had residual control of darkness. My true angel, Cross, had his ice powers returned by your's truly, and of course, he had control over light. Minus, though self centered, had taken on the element of lightening and used his fists as a conductor. Plus had taken up smoking, much like Gate used to do, afterall, he did wield his weapon.

They all had a chance to become gate keeper, but I didn't want to have to choose one of them. Parts of me doubted my choices. Minus and Plus both were easily controlled by the darkness that began all of this. Cross had pulled through for me a lot since he came into my life, but he hasn't shown much remorse in his actions, almost like he's absolute...X, on the other hand, has been beaten down so many times, and not to mention his powers were darkness and flame. Not very friendly elements to me. It was definitely going to be hard for me to make a decision...

"I can help you with that desicion," I heard a voice. One I wasn't familiar with. "Just follow me." The voice beckoned me and to be honest, I wasn't afraid or even unsure about this voice. I grabbed Keeper's blade, I knew I would need it. I walked towards the voice and found myself in a cave. The cave was adorned with jewels and was so beautiful...

"I suppose you've never been here. Each of those jewels holds a precious memory for you. The best times of your life, whether they are painful now to remember or not. I've been here all my life. Looking deep into each one of your memories, and I can feel your pain. I know you don't want to anger any of them. You couldn't bear to lose any of them, not after all that's happened in your life. Please, let me help. I'll take this burden off your shoulders." 

"You would...really do that for me?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes. Not only because of his kindness, but for every painful memory around me. I would give this man a chance. "I'll give you a chance, but please tell me your name."

"I do not have a name. I have always been known as your conscience. You may call me as you wish." I thought for a moment. A certain memory appeared in my head. About my first gate keeper...and the persona he had. 

"I'll call you Kajex."

"Thank you for giving me such an honorable name. Now, let us switch blades, as custom for allowing me to help you here." He held his blade, a magnificent katana with a purple hilt. I held Keeper's blade in the same manor and we exchanged blades. As soon as I touched his, I felt a power and tranquility reside within myself. I began to feel drowsy and fell to my knees. 

"Now, let all your memories and feelings be mine!" Kajex began to absorb all the data from the crystals, and I began to feel weaker and weaker. He also fell to his knees, praising me for being able to withstand such pain. I fell to the ground and I watched him walk out of the cave. He looked back to me...

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you. Goodnight, sweet prince."

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