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I couldn't see anything everything was black. I could hardly remember what happened between Tyson and I. The only thing I did know was that I had no control over my body. I couldn't raven open my eyes!

I could only hear the outside but it was dead silent. Suddenly a wooden chair like nose was screeching on the fool along with the sound of something being set down apron a wooden table. The strange person begins to cry. "I'm so sorry". Rite away I knew it was Tyson. I didn't what to hear any of his bull crap and I wanted him to leave....but there was nothing I could do about it. So I actually started to listen to what he had to say

My love. I'm so sorry when you wakeup...I'll be a better person. No. I'll be a better man. Your man Tyson your love. I'll make you proud. When you wake up I have to ask you the question of a lifetime but I'll save it till your actually listening.

All of that came out of Tyson's mouth? I don't believe it I was thinking to myself. And what's the question I mean knowing Tyson It wouldn't be "the question" would it ? Naa it wouldn't I mean he should know why in the name of god would I say yes to a a BOY...!. Who put me in the ER? But if he is being true than why hasn't he told me before I mean all he has said was your a bitch. Than I remembered. He has said I love to to me before, I just didn't trust him on his word. Before I could think of more stuff to say about him , I feel a smooth and warm kiss on my lips and along with the lips I feel tears running down my face. But I knew for a fact that they where not mine they where Tyson's.

I wanted to wake up and kiss him back. But another part of me wanted to slap him sill and start cussing and shouting at him. I was scared, angry, happy, and most of all confused. I mean what would you do if you where in a situation like this? Wouldn't you feel the same way? I mean it's not just me. Right?

After I stopped bickering on about how Tyson should have never even been my mate I decided to relax and just try to fall asleep wall I'm in my coma. Is that even remotely a possibility? Oh who cares I'm ganna do it anyways.

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