Chapter 1- Blood Lines

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ABO Corp, the main pharmaceutical company that distributes heat suppressants to all Omegas and scent blockers to all endo types, were close to developing a chip for Omegas that would not only release suppressants into their blood streams but a strong birth control as well. With the new chip released to the public, Omegas could live happier and safer lives.

They would no longer have to worry about Alphas or Betas attacking them, about unwanted pregnancies and they could work any job they want without their heats holding them back.

All it would take was a simple chip inserted underneath the skin with a shot. Then all their worries would be gone like dust in the wind.

It would be the greatest invention in human history, the crowning achievement of modern medicine. The number one greatest thing that the corporation has ever created.

Of course people couldn't use the chips forever, they would have to be refilled once every five years but to ABO it was worth it. The company had been formed to better mankind, not to make money off of it after all so they didn't mind that they wouldn't make much of a profit.

The announcement of the new chip, FR3 (the Freedom chip), was made on December 31st 20XX at 11:50 pm and then released at 11:55 pm to all clinics and hospitals. By 11:59 pm, all Omegas were chipped and things were looking up for the city.

But when the clock struck at twelve midnight to announcement the new year, tragedy struck.

A rip formed in the sky, opening up a portal to another world. One filled with destruction, pain, misery and blood. Oh yes, lots and lots of blood.

It rained down onto the city of New York, dying the buildings and streets in crimson, polluting the rivers and ponds till it was unsuitable for drinking. The moment the blood made contact with organic material, it burned like acid. Causing it to bubble and then boil before completely melting it.

The sky turned a permanent rust brown, completing the world's new look of a massacre. And the beginning of the end as everyone knew it.

A seventeen year old boy with short brown hair, brown eyes and a slim physique clicked the button on his new watch. Waiting as a liquid like fabric engulfed his body and colored it red and blue with a matching helmet that displayed a digital screen in front of his eyes.

A man in a red black suit with white eyes on his mask loaded his pistols and sheathed his katanas into the scabbards on his back.

A buff boy of seventeen pulled on his gauntlets and chest plate and flexed his metal wings.


"Gargoyle, we need to protect all the water towers in the city. Protect them from the contamination." Spider Man commanded while he swung around the city, trying to do crowd control and save people from the acidic blood rain.

He scooped up a little kid who was about to fall in a puddle of blood and put her in her Father's arms while he swung by. He grabbed a slab of metal that was leaning against the wall and placed it on the roof of an elementary school that had a clinic set up inside. He webbed the metal to the roof to create an awning before he started covering different parts of the school and then ensured everyone was out of the rain.

He dropped down in front of the school where a teacher was shielding his students from the rain. "I want you to grab tarps, heavy jackets and helmets. Anything to protect yourself and the people against the rain. While you're doing that, find people who can drive and cover them up so that they can get to the buses, have them bring the buses around the front of the front of the school and get the people on board. Drop them off at their homes in groups, don't let anyone get off alone." He ordered with a commanding tone.

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