Oneshot #1: An Enjoyable Break 💛

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-Hunk's POV-
Despite the strong bond the team has been building for a while now, Coran had still been insisting on working on some team-building exercises. He suggested things like the stupid invisible maze and the mind-reading headsets. But, after two hours or so of these exercises, Allura had finally let us have a break, which Lance and I were definitely going to put to use. We were just hanging out in my room, fiddling with each other's fingers, enjoying each other's company.
I was laying down, humming softly to myself with my eyes closed. Lance was sitting next to me, leaning against my side while facing me, running his fingers through my hair. After a couple of minutes, he leaned down slowly and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. Then to my temple. Then to my nose, my cheeks, and eventually a last soft kiss on my lips. I chuckled to myself, opening my eyes to look at him.
"Whatcha doin'?" I mumbled, my eyes gazing into his. He shrugged, a smile on his face as he moved to grab my hand and intertwine our fingers.
"Dunno. Just.. appreciating you." He said softly, blushing slightly. I grinned and shook my head.
"You're silly." I said, closing my eyes again.
"You love it." He said. I could hear the smile on his face.
"That's true. Impossible not to." I grinned as he shifted his position to lay down next to me.
"You're too sweet, bro." He mumbled, embarrassed.
"Nah. You are." I paused before adding with a grin, "man."
I burst out laughing. "God, I love you." I opened my eyes to see him blushing like crazy, grinning down at me. I grinned back.
"I love you more." He said, leaning down to kiss me softly. I smiled and kissed him back, moving a hand up to run it slowly through his hair.
Soon enough, he was straddling my waist, peppering kisses all over my lips. My face went hot due to blushing, and Lance started laughing.
"What's so funny, sharpshooter?"
"Oh my goodness, please don't call me that." Lance snorted.
"I love you, sharpshooter."
"You are the most annoying person I've ever dated, you dork."
"Oh please, you love it~" I grinned, moving forwards to kiss him softly.
"Maybe," He grinned back. "Or maybe I don't?" He teased, moving away.
I pouted. "Hmph. Then maybe you won't get anymore cuddles? Or anymore... oatmeal cookies~?"
He fake gasped. "What?"
"You heard me." I grinned.
Lance was really good at acting offended.
"You dare suggest stopping making oatmeal cookies for me? The love of your life? The Vol to your tron?"
"I'm a daring person, what can I say?"
"Pfft. You weren't really daring when you tried making the first move, dude."
Lance gave me that smirk I had grown to adore. "Can your face get any hotter? In temperature, I mean? It's literally radiating off of you, slightly."
By this time Lance had rested his chin on my chest, his arms dangling off to the sides. I shoved my hand in his face, looking away. "Could you, like, cool it down, man?"
He laughed, his breath tickling my palm. "Maybe." He teased. "Or maybe not, depends~"
I rolled my eyes, a small smile on my face. "If you say-- did you just lick me?"
He bursts out laughing as I pulled my hand away and looked at it quizzically. "Yep! You're welcome."
I laughed softly. "You're weird." He hummed softly in agreement, leaning forwards and kissing me.
"I know." He mumbled against my lips.
I sighed contentedly. He grinned and moved to kiss along my jaw absentmindedly. I just smiled, watching him lovingly.
He slowly let his kisses trail down to the crook of my neck, which he left soft kisses on. One of them sent a shiver through my spine, which made Lance grin. I started laughing.
"Lance, I swear to god-" he cut me off with another kiss, this time right next to my collarbone, making my breath hitch.
"You swear? Swear what?" He teased, a grin on his lips as he ran his hands down my sides, making me shiver. He stopped at the hem of my shirt, glancing up at me. "Can I~?"
I blushed, and hesitated before I nodded. I was normally nervous to take off my shirt around people, I was very insecure about my body when I was younger, but Lance.. Lance was accepting. He was kind and understanding and he made me feel more confident. So when he slipped off my shirt- with my help, of course -I didn't shy away as I might've before. I just grinned at him, before I moved forward to kiss him softly. He kissed back happily, before kissing down my neck again and back to my lips.
I smile softly as he reaches down to take off his shirt as well. I run my hands down his sides gently, leading to him letting out a soft sigh. He moves forward again, trailing gentle kisses along my jaw and neck as I watch. He hesitates before kissing harder, nipping and sucking gently at my skin, leaving a hickey.
Caught up in the moment, I pushed Lance onto his back so I was on top. I inclined my forehead to Lance's and gave his nose a peck. I trailed kisses down to his lips, his jawline, and to the crook of his neck. He giggled. "Hunk, that tickles!" I pulled away, laughing softly.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me down so I was lying down on top of him. I rolled us over, and let Lance snuggle his head on my chest. I hugged him, kissing the crook of his neck again. I roughly sucked at the portion of skin, leaving a bright red hickey.
Just as he was about to say something, a loud voice interrupted us through the speakers.
"Paladins! Sorry to interrupt your break, but please report to the main control room. We are receiving a call from the Blade of Marmora."
He sighed, starting to move away. "Damn. I guess we should go.."
I nodded, standing and putting my shirt back on. He put his back on as well and I offer my hand. He took it and we started heading towards the control room to meet with the others.

   Credit to arrival-layne on deviantart for the image at the start!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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