IMAGINE: Charles wanting to recruit you

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| IMAGINE for @chri_an |

      You get punched in the face by one of your attackers. You grunt and stumble backwards, gasping.

     "Just give up. We have you outnumbered." The main leader of the group says as his men form a circle around you in the dark alley.

      You wipe the blood from your nose and straighten. "I don't think so." You hiss, bringing your fists up. The men lunge for you. In a series of ducks, kicks, lunges, and punches, all of the men are laid out, except the leader who stares at you. "What were you saying about me being outnumbered?" You ask, walking towards him.

     "You-you-you get away from me!" He demands.

     "Oh, I'm not going anywhere." You smirk. You fake lunge for him as if you're going to attack him and he flees down the alley. You snicker and brush off your hands.

     "Another job taken care of." You say, turning around and stepping over the unconscious men.

       Just as you exit the alley, someone steps up to you. "Excuse me, are you Y/N?"

      Your eyebrows furrow. "Yeah, who's asking?"

     "Go to sleep, Y/N." The man commands gently. You're about to laugh it off until your eyes close and you fall into a deep sleep. Before you can fall to the ground, the man swoops you into his arms and carries you to his car.


     You wake up with a gasp. You're sitting in a chair. Staring at you, with a small smile on his lips, is the guy who made you fall asleep. You start to get up and move to an attack position but the man holds up his hand.

     "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Please. If I can have but a minute of your time."

      "Why would I give you anything?! You kidnapped me! Where are we?! Who are you?!" You exclaim angrily.

       "We're in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. My name is Charles Xavier." He replies calmly.

      "And what do you want with me?" You ask suspiciously, your eyes narrowing.

      Charles leans forward in his chair. "I've been watching you fight and you're good. You're better than good. You singlehandedly took down fifteen men in the alley earlier with just your bare hands. And I want to recruit you on my team."

     "What?" You laugh. "Are you serious? You kidnapped me and brought me to this warehouse just to tell me you want to recruit me because of my fighting skills?" You ask, crossing your arms.

     "No, Y/N, listen. I couldn't tell you this in public. There are people like you in the world—special people with unique, amazing talents. I am one of them. We have all different types of abilities. You–you have have accelerated fighting abilities. I've never seen anything like it. You have brute strength." Charles explains.

      "And one of your abilities is to make people fall asleep when you tell them to, is that right?"

      "Sorry about that. That was the only way I knew how to get you to come with me without a fight." He winces.

       "So you're saying that all of these people—"

      "I call them mutants." Charles adds quickly.

       "Uh, okay, these mutants–they each have their own special skills."

      "Yes, and I'm trying to recruit them. There are some bad guys we need to take down and I can't do it alone. I need you, Y/N. I need a team." He tells you.

     "I don't know, Charles." You frown.

      Charles scoots his chair closer to yours and grabs your hands. "Please, Y/N. You spend your days doing jobs for anonymous people. Sometimes they involve killing, other times, like today, they just involve instilling fear into men. Don't you want to save the world with those talents? Would your talents be put to better use by saving the world?"

      You stare at Charles. "I'll leave a lot of unfinished jobs behind. The people who hired me won't be happy."

      "I'll take care of it, don't worry." He assures you.

     "Then I guess I'll join. There's nothing here for me anyways. My family is gone, I have no one." You mutter.

      Charles squeezed your hand, smiling excitedly. "Not anymore, Y/N. You're going to have everything you need with us Mutants. We're your family now." He states. You smile at him.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

James McAvoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now