IMAGINE: Telling Charles you're pregnant

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| IMAGINE for @mcavoy-mercury |

You glance at the clock, waiting for Charles to get home. You don't know why you're so nervous about him returning back to his mansion but you are.

     "Nope, I definitely know why." You whisper, running a hand through your hair.

     You've known Charles since you were little. Both of you had crushes on each other from the moment you met each other and, over the years, the chemistry between Charles and you exploded. Charles was the first to break and blurted out his feelings to you about a month ago. You followed suit and now you two were married in secret only a couple of days ago. Your brother Erik Lehnsherr doesn't know of what's happened between Charles and you yet, but you know he'll find out soon.

     You hear the door open and sit up from the couch you have been laying on for the past hour. "Y/N, I'm home." Charles announces. You smile.


Charles and you have your arms around each other. He's kissing you so passionately that you can barely stop to breathe.

     "I've missed you." Charles breathes hard.

     "Not as much as I've missed you." You laugh softly. "The day seemed to drag on forever."

     He grins, his eyes staring into yours. "I was counting down the minutes."

     "I was counting down the seconds." You counter.

     "Do you always have to out-do me?" He asks, laughing.

     "Only sometimes." You grin widely.

     "Any word from Erik today?" Charles asks suddenly.

     Your grin drops. "No." You answer softly.

     "How do you think he's going to take it—the news?" He frowns.

     "No idea." You shake your head. "He's very protective of his little sister who can control metal like him." You add with a smile.

     "I wonder what our children are going to be like." Charles states randomly. Your eyes widen and you flush deeply. "I'm serious, Y/N! I can read minds and you can control metal. We aren't ordinary people and our children won't be either." He says.

     You laugh softly, blushing. "You move very fast, Charles." You say softly.

      "I'm trying to make up for all the lost time we were too shy to admit our feelings." He murmurs, before cupping your face and kissing you deeply. His arms slowly move down your sides and wrap around you, pulling you tightly against him. You sigh softly, kissing him back with equal fervor.


A month and a half later, you stare down at the pregnancy test with shaking hands. You press one hand to your stomach, your heart beat quickening. Tears burn in your eyes and you rapidly blink them away, letting out a small laugh.

     "A baby." You murmur happily. "What in the world?" You laugh tearfully.

     You hear Charles bounding up the stairs and you quickly hide the pregnancy test behind your back and blink back the tears, not ready to tell your husband of the news just yet. You sniff, wipe your face, and then smile at Charles as he enters breathless. He doesn't look happy.

     "Y/N, we need to go." He whispers.

     Your eyebrows draw. "What, why?" You ask in confusion. He breathes one word: Shaw.


"Charles, I'm so sorry." Erik whispers in remorse as you kneel beside Charles, tears sliding down your cheeks. Charles has just been shot in the back. His legs are of no use anymore. He clutches onto you, grimacing in pain. Fear is suffocating you. You can't lose him. Not now. Not ever. You haven't even told him about the baby yet.

     Your brother Erik killed Shaw earlier that day, but Shaw wasn't the only threat. Naval fleets used their heavily weaponry to attack the mutants. Erik stopped the missiles and intended to turn them back on the fleet to destroy them. Charles tried to convince him not to and they ended up getting into a fight. Moria MacTaggert tried shooting Erik but your brother swiftly deflected the bullet which ended up accidentally hitting Charles.

     "I-I can't stay, Charles. I'm sorry. Not now. Not after what just happened." Erik breathes, taking a step back and shaking his head.

     You look up at him. "You're leaving us?" You ask incredulously.

     He shifts awkwardly. "I-I was kind of hoping you'd come with."

     Your stomach drops and you look down at Charles who's staring up at you, gripping onto your hands. You take a deep breath and look to Erik. "I can't. Charles is my husband and we're in this together. Forever." Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see Charles painfully smile.

     "You what?!" Erik gasps.

     "I'm sorry, brother. It happened recently—suddenly. But I just can't go with you."

     He stares at you, shock-ridden. He nods. "I understand." He says numbly. "I-I love you, Y/N." He whispers, tears in his eyes.

     You smile a little. "I love you too, Erik." You whisper. He quickly disappears with the Hellfire Club.


A few weeks later, you sit next to Charles who's in his wheelchair. "Hey." You say softly, grabbing his hand.

     He smiles at you. "Hey." He echoes.

     "Are you doing okay?" You ask, squeezing his hand.

       He nods. "It's taking getting used to, but I'm managing, thanks to you." He says. You take a deep breath and Charles's eyebrows draw. "Y/N, is something wrong? You look worried."

     You give him a reassuring smile and then move to kneel in front of him. "Charles, I have to tell you something that I've been keeping a secret for far longer than I should have."

      His eyes fill with concern, and a little bit of panic if you're not mistaken. He swallows. "Yes?" He chokes out.

     "Remember how a couple of months ago, you were wondering what our children were going to be like considering we both have super powers?"

     Charles nods in confusion. "Yes, I remember."

      You look at his hand, entwine your fingers with his, and slowly drag your eyes up to meet his. You lean forward. "I for one hope our child can read minds like you." You whisper.

     Charles stares at you, your words slowly registering to him. He grips your shoulders. "Y/N, are you being serious?"

     "110% percent." You grin.

     "Oh my gosh." He whispers, before pulling you into his arms, holding onto you tightly. "I can't believe it. It-it feels so right." He whispers into your hair.

     "It does, doesn't it?" You smile. He kisses you repeatedly, holding your face gently in his hands.

       He opens his eyes and smiles dreamily at you. "See? I told you I move fast." He murmurs. You blush and duck your head before he kisses you again.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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