3 - A Momentous Occasion

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The next week goes by faster than I had ever expected. I was hoping the king would let me take my time and accommodate to what is to happen, but apparently his allies were in transit for my execution and have now received word there will be a wedding instead. They seem to have no issue spending a few extra days waiting for a far happier occasion.

We have been moved from the Tower to the south apartments, and what a change that has been. These rooms are lovely and decorated for a reinforced castle, and there is plenty of light from the fireplace that I swear is as large as my old bedroom in Eldis' cabin. The four poster bed behind us is enormous, with the softest sheets I have ever slept on, even when I lived here as a princess. Those years were long ago, though, and I have trouble remembering back to that time.

"Stop moving or your braid will be crooked, my lady." A tall redhead snaps as she stands behind me and braids my hair. It is a long fishtail braid, somehow taming my generous waves, and in the mirror of my vanity I can see that I still have a halo of brown hair about my head. "Are you sure you do not want any rouge or powders? Your court is full of ladies who practically cake themselves in make up, I would not have you feel out of place."

I manage a smile that does not quite reach my eyes. The woman, Kwenthrith Thanet, has been assigned as my lady's maid. She is barely three years my senior, and I daresay the prettiest woman in the world. She stands in subdued colors with her red locks pulled back behind a coif save for a few curls hanging by her ears and neck. She has been fretting over me since I arrived in the apartments; worrying over making sure the seamstress has my measurements, and the cloth for my dress is perfect. I swear, she is worse than the dungeon master.

"You should put on rouge. Put it right on your mouth so when he kisses you it turns his lips red, too."

Kwenthrith and I turn towards my housemaid. There sits a very angry Gisela, her dark hair also pulled back and covered, wearing a black dress with a feather trim off of her shoulders. Eldislav and Gisela were pardoned and set free the day after I accepted the marriage proposal, but Eldis begged for Gisela to have a job here instead of returning to the forest. She had no marriage prospects in Adrimar due to spending all of her time hunting, so he felt she would be better off here with me. I felt guilty she was given the job as my housemaid, but at least it means we are together. The king's valet, a young blonde man named Sebastian, told me he and Kwen would help her learn the castle, but I hope perhaps I could bestow a land and a title on her... Though, as history would remind me, the reason King Alekso had so much support against my father was because we were not born in to nobility. Perhaps Gisela is better off my maid.

"As good an idea as that is, Gisela, I want my husband to see me when he lifts my veil, not some decorated, mindless doll he thinks he can control. I may be forced to marry him but I will not allow myself to be owned by him. Let him see my angry scowl before he kisses me."

Kwen rolls her eyes and then turns me back to the mirror. "There will be no kiss, don't worry."

"No kiss? Really?" I frown a little and lower my head as she continues the braid. I should feel relieved, shouldn't I? My future husband is an evil king with demonic powers who destroyed my family. If he also hates me enough to not even want to kiss me, that should not disappoint me.

Sensing my discomfort, Kwen roughly stands me up and leads me over to the full length mirror. I get to see my light blue dress, close fitting and flaring at the hips. My sleeves flare at the shoulders and slit down the middle for the warm weather with gold and silver cuffs on my upper arms and wrists. The materials that make up this dress are far more expensive than anything I have owned in years, and yet the way the cuffs are placed look more like slave rings than jewelry meant for decoration. Part of me wonders if that is on purpose. I already know the reason I wear blue rather than the standard gold for a royal bride is because it is the color of my family crest; meant to our union between House Delsor and House Aurelian. A new beginning as far as the people will be concerned.

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