16 - The Interrogation pt 2

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     Kwenthrith manages to avoid me for the next week and a half. The only thing that keeps me from sending guards after her is the knowledge that, even if I don't trust her, Edeva's been safe under her care. Eva made appearances in town, wooing the people and growing more and more loved by them every time they see her. Lots of blessing infants, giving alms to the poor and making promises to hold their wealthy lords more accountable for their actions.

     She told people about the Evermires spending the rest of their time until their estate is finished with the renovations in the Legio crypts. The announcement was met with cheers. Apparently the Duke and Duchess were not very well liked, and they were my closest allies. Hmm.

     I push those thoughts aside as I walk the halls of the palace and find Gisela making her way towards the laundry rooms with a bag of clothes over her shoulder. She's humming a bit of a tune to herself, not giving a second thought to the big cloaked man walking in her direction.

     "Gisela," I stop in front of her to get her attention.

     She curtsies just a little so she doesn't have to adjust the sac she carries. "Your highness."

     "You're not as ornery as usual, dear. I take it you like the new uniforms?"

     "I no longer look like the bride of a vampire, which is a good start. And yes I am more comfortable."

     She offers me a challenging look while waiting for me to let her continue on with her chores. I roll my eyes a little and grab the sac from her, setting it down to the side. Perhaps with anyone else I would punish them for speaking to me in that manner, but Gisela's different. I never had a sister, only brothers, and I barely remember them after all these years. So what if I spoil the girl every now and then? Though what I have planned might be considered a little more than spoiling.

     "Come with me, I have a surprise for you." I hold my arm out.

     "Uhm," she bites her lower lip similar to how Eva does, and I wonder who learned it from who. She makes no move to take my arm just yet.

     I wait a little longer for her to complete her though before I mutter "Gisela?"

     "I'm not in trouble, am I?" She finally asks, and I try my best not to look disappointed that she still fears me, even if she tries her best not to show it.

     "No no, Gisela, nothing like that. Eva tells me your seventeenth birthday is coming up, is it not?"

     "Yes, your highness."


     "I'm not going to call you by your name. I'm a servant girl, and you're the king. Kwenny is right, I need to be more respectful."

     Since she does not take my arm, I choose to wrap it around her shoulder and usher her along. "You're my sister in law, Gisela. You can call me Alekso. You don't call Eva her highness, do you? She is not related to you by blood either. So if you can call her by her first name, you can call me by mine. If that is not sound reasoning, then I can just command you."

     "You don't have to command me." she huffs. "If you insist I be so informal with you, no skin off my nose."

     She manages a little smile, and it is infectious. I smile, too.

     "Now then, your surprise."

     We turn a corner, Gisela's body warming up the longer we walk in silence. She's nervous; my reputation for being a tyrant is eroding, but very slowly, and only thanks to Eva. I have not made much effort to look better in Gisela's eyes, but I think this may be a start.

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