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Jisoo's Pov

Hayyyss I'm finding Jimin now, cause he said that he needs me for his project

Huh? Suga? Jimin?

Hey Jisoo! Jin patted me

Ohh hello? You know me? I'm nervous is he a stranger?

Your the girl that Suga always tell be about you.

Ohh hehe, okay. I laugh a bit and put my littel hair at the side of my ears

Okay. Go to Suga. Wa-wait is that Jimin?!?

Yo-you know him too!! I was shock he knew the two? And we're answering each other in a kind of shutter words

Ye-yes cause we've a group name BTS so naturally I know them

As I knew that two have an cru-- I was cut by Jimin

Jisoo!!! We're here! Come!

Jisoo startled a bit and turned his head to them

Okay. I need to go Mr.? What's ur name?

Jin, Kim Seok Jin. Haha yeah that's my name!

Okay. Bye. Hope to see you again later!

Yeah hope so too!


Hayys what's it? I ask

Wh-why you two are here? I continued w/ a little shutter tho

Okay, your late so I'm the one who help Jimin. We talk about you and our feelings for you. Suga explained and suddenly told Jisoo about feelings thingy


Ahh haha I mean your feelings uhmm your sick right?! Aishh I'm making reason so Jisoo'de believe

Ahh okay, but who said that I have bad feeling. Uhmm yeah I did'nt right? Jimin?

Hu-huh? I-I do-don't kn-know. I don't know yeah I really don't know.

Aishh you two what's the problem huh? Tell me directly!

Okay, I need help of this. Can we two just act like a one team? Jebal? Suga ask for a favor

Aishh okay fine! I can't say no they're my friends and w/out them I'm alone right now. So yes

Ohh cool thanks! Jimin said in a happy tone

No problem. So what now?

Ohhww about this look! Uhmm it's so hard can u answer this for me? Jimin ask me

Over acting Jimin. It's so easy and your the one who tokd me how to do that problem. Don't ya

Ohhh haha yeah forgot okay but thanks!

And what about you baby Suga? I ask him in an aegyo tone

I'm fine now mommy Jisoo

Hey! You don't call me mommy Jisoo. It's too weird!

Okay," and you too don't call me baby Suga

Okay baby Suga! Ohh I mean Sugaa

The three laugh


Aish aish aish!


Author's Note/ A/N:

Hey there! If your really a fun of this two shipy so you'd vote and comment so I can continue this..

Remember your author is so crazy from now on. So just give that as a little gift for her!

Please pray for me my birthday is noww!!


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