The Power to Save

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"Ani, I want to have our baby back home, on Voss." I said, standing on the balcony that overlooked courascant, ringing my hands through my waist length, silvery hair. "We can go to the jungle province where no one would know! We could be safe." As he stood in his robes, watching me, I smiled and thought some more. "I want to build a nursery. I could go and fix it up the next dobosh i'm home. I know the perfect spot, right between the galleries of water."

"You're so... Beautiful..." he breathed.

I smiled, chuckling, and turned back to him, the now visible bump in my abdomen poking out just slightly in my dress. "It's only because I'm so in love!"

"No!" he grinned that grin I loved and shook his head. "No, it's because I'm so in love with you!!!"

I cocked my head and knit my brows. "So love has made you blind?"

"Hahaha, well, that's not exactly what I meant..."

"But It's probably true!" I chuckled again, walking to let Anakin engulf me in a soft embrace, one where we still fit perfectly together.

"Let's go to bed, my love." He whispered to me, his hand coming to trail down to our still growing child. "You look as if he tires you!"

"A boy?" I asked with an airy laugh, draping anakin's arm over my shoulders as I walked to our bedroom.

"Well, I sense that it will be a boy!" He smiled yet again. "But either way, I will be happy to be the father of a wonderful child."

That night, all was quiet as we fell asleep. Anakin's light breathing helped lull me into a daze of quiet and peace. Peace, that is, until the dreams started.

Everything was so real as I breathed in the hot, dry air, screams from my own body peircing my mind. I saw flashes of myself in terrible agony, crying out for Ani, but he was nowhere to be found. Images changed, and more flashed in front of my eyes.

"You turned her against me!" A strong voice shouted, a familiar voice that I couldn't yet place.

  "You did that Yourself!!!"  Another would reply. but yet again the nightmare morphed into something even more terrible.

I looked down to the ground, Anakin's dead body lay in the black earth surrounding us. 

"Ani!!!" I gasped out, finally awakening from my dreams. I felt like my night dress was tangled around my neck, suffocating me, but when I reached up to my throat, nothing was there.

I ran my hands through my hair, looking over to find my Husband gone. As I swung my legs out of bed, I yet again carded my fingers through the silvery white locks that dangled in my face, rising to find Ani, to see if my nightmares were real.

As I walked, I again felt the suffocation of some nonexistent force, and I stripped my nightdress from my frame, leaving me in only undergarments.

When I finally found Anakin, he was sitting in the open air room, perched on one arm of the love seat. With knit brows and a worried, still shaking form, I found my way to him.

"Aureck, what's bothering you?" I asked sweetly, placing an arm on his shoulder.

he looked to me and sighed, bringing me to stand in front of him, his hands on my waist. "Nothing, my love." As he looked down on me, he eyes came to rest upon the dragon fire opal ring that laid against my chest.

"I remember when you gave this to me." he mused, trying to change the subject.

"Ani, how long is it going to take for us to be completely honest with each other?" I asked, causing his head to turn from me.

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