Chapter 18: Threats and Promises

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11:50 A.M.
Narrator Point of View
(Warning: This is quite a chapter 😂)



"Where are you?!"

"Squash brain!"

"What?" Jungkook looked at Jin questioningly.

"She always fires a comeback when I call her that! Every single time. She isn't responding Jungkook. What happened to my little sister?!" Jin cried.

"Calm down, Jin hyung. It'll be okay. We'll find her." Jungkook reassures, even though he was as equally worried himself.

Y/n has been gone for half an hour. She wouldn't answer her phone calls. Jin and Jungkook were desperately scattering around looking for her.

"Jungkookie, I can't lose her. I just can't. She's all I have left. My only family. Even if I don't show it, I love her to death. She's my baby sister! Someone took my baby sister!" Jin was rambling.

His eyes started tearing up.

Jungkook gave him a hug.

"Listen hyung, we'll find her. Okay? Trust me. We can ask around, o-or we could check outside. Or look in the bathroom again."

"Kookie, w-what if she got kidnapped?"

Jungkook didn't say anything but deep down in his mind, he knew it could be a possibility.

Suddenly, Jin had an idea.

"Hello? Is this thing on?" He spoke into the loud intercom of the rink at the register.

"Yes. Hello- Hey back off, noodle head! My sister's missing and I need this to find her!"

The guy at the register backed away.

Jungkook walked towards Jin.

Jin started speaking.

"Y/n, where are you? This is your brother. Seokjin. Please come back. We've been looking all over for you. I can't lose you, Y/n. I can't lose what matters most to me. If you can hear me, please meet us near the register. P-please..." his voice broke.

Jungkook decided to say a few words.

"Y/n, this is Jungkook. If you can hear me, meet us at the register. We're really worried. We'll be waiting. And sorry for disrupting your day everyone, please go back to enjoying your ice-skating." He added.

Jungkook looked at Jin.

"And now..we wait."


Y/n had just finished saying good-bye to Jimin when she heard her brother's voice over the intercom.

She felt guilty, listened to every word, and dashed to the register immediately.

She saw them at one of the tables.

Jungkook was pacing back and forth and Jin was sitting with is head held down low.

"Jin oppa. Jungkook."

"OH JUNGKOOKIE I CAN STILL HEAR HER VOICE. It's like she's still with us! Like she's right behind- "

"Oh my.."

"Y/n!!!" Jungkook yelled.

Jin rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

They ran up to her and trampled her with their large bodies. They hugged her so tight.

"Can't breathe! Can't breathe-"
She yelled.

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