Chapter 4

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                It was now almost 10 o’clock and Niall and I had been stuffing our faces with junk food and watching movies for almost six hours now.  I looked over at Niall on the couch, who was now passed out next me.  I tried not to wake him up so I could get myself a glass of water, but of course, my plan failed.

                “Gracie?” he moaned fluttering his eyes open, revealing those brilliant blue-green eyes of his “what are you doing?”

                “I’m just getting myself some water.” I said back.

                *buzz buzz buzz* my phone vibrated against the coffee table in front of the couch.

                “Hey, Niall can you get that?” I asked from the kitchen searching for a glass.

                “Sure.” He said pressing the green answer button.  “Hello?” I could hear the mumbles from the voice on the other line, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying. “No, hold on just a second.” He brought the phone to me. "Who is it?" I mouthed. “The hospital.” He whispered.  My eyes immediately widened.

                “Hello?” I asked cautiously.

                “Hello is this Cassidy Jones?” the lady on the other end of the line said.

                “Yes?” I answered, although it sounded more like a question.

                “I’m sorry to say, but your both of your parents are in the hospital.” She said.  I dropped the phone in shock.  “Hello? Hello?” you could hear the lady on the other line.  I picked up the phone.

                “Yes, I’m still here.” I said snapping out of my shock.  “How did this happen?  Why are they in the hospital?”

                “It seems your father was under the influence while driving and your mother was in the passenger seat when they got in a head on collision with a truck.” She said.

                “I’m on my way over.” I ended he call.  The first stray tear rolled down my cheek.

                “Whoa, what’s up?” Niall asked in confusion.

                “We have to go, now.” I stated as more tears escaped my eyes.

                “Gracie, what’s wrong?” he said grabbing my arm.

                “My parents are in the hospital.” I croaked as I began to sob.  His jaw dropped as he pulled me into a hug.  I cried into his shirt, leaving tear stains from my eyes.

                “Come on, let’s go.” He said taking my hand, walking to the car.  We sat in silence as he drove down the empty road.  The only noise you could hear was the sound of me sniffing my nose as tears continued to roll down my face.  Niall reached for my hand while keeping one of his on the wheel.  His thumb rubbed circles on the top of my hand in an attempt to calm me down.

                “Everything’s going to be okay.” He said giving me a reassuring look.

                “I’m not sure I want it to be.” I mumbled under my breath.  I know it sounds extremely selfish to say, but I had my reasons.  He looked at me in shock.

                “Gracie, what do you mean?!” he asked.

                “It means I hate my parents, and so do you! For months my dad has literally beat me! For Christ’s sake, he pushed me down a flight of stairs, Niall!” I snapped at him.  “My mom never cared about me; she stood there and watched my dad beat me!  Not once did she even try to stop him!” I was now shouting.  I was crying so hard I began to hiccup.  I brought my knees to my chin and put my head down.

                “Gracie…” he hesitated. “I’m so sorry… Why didn’t you tell me before last night?” he asked.

                “Well you were on your tour when it started and you only came back three days ago.” I said stuttering at a few words.

                “I’m so sorry, Gracie…” he said.  He now had tears in his eyes and was trying hard to prevent them from falling.

                “Niall, it’s not your fault.” I said putting a hand on his shoulder.

                “I just feel horrible.  I couldn’t be there when you really needed me.” He croaked still fighting back the tears.  The rest of the car ride was silent.

                When we finally got to the hospital, we ran inside to the lady at the desk.

                “Clair and Luke Jones.” I told the nurse.

                “Room 211.” She said not even looking up from her computer.  We sprinted down the hallway until we reached room 211.  I knocked on the door. A middle aged doctor walked out of the room with a disappointed look on his face.  He put a hand on my shoulder.

                “I’m so sorry…” he said.  I just stood there. Niall hugged me burying his face in my hair.  He pulled away, my facial expression hadn’t changed.

                “We did everything in our power to try and save them, but unfortunately neither of them survived.  I’m so sorry.” He said.

                I turned to Niall and once again cried into his shirt leaving more tear stains.  I finally looked up, past the doctor to see a nurse pulling a white sheet over my mother’s face.  When I saw her I immediately felt my stomach twist.  I felt like I was going to be sick.

                “Would you like to arrange a funeral?” the doctor said breaking the silence. 

                “Umm, I think you need to contact my uncle about that.” I couldn’t deal with having to prepare a funeral for the people who didn’t care about me.

                “Are you sure?” I said, confirming my decision.

                “Alright then.” The doctor said muttering, looking down at some papers attached to his clipboard. “Good night.” And with that he made his way down the hallway.  I glared at the back of his head. 

                “We should go now.” I said to Niall, who was fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt.  He nodded as we made our way to the hospital doors.

               (A/N) Edited by 1dfanficlover so you know check her out, she is an amazing author!(: I edited it hers(:

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