Kissin U

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Dedicated to @Connors_princess234.

Louis's POV

I was lost in the cold darkness. All I wanted was Hazza to come get me. Hold me. Kiss me. Love me. But he never will. I see a light then I was in a room with white walls.

"Hazza? Zee?" I ask scared shitless looking for one or both of them.

"Mr. Malik brought you in about ten minute ago. Said you fell down the stairs. You were passed out till now. Banged your head pretty bad. And Zayn should be back in a minutes. I'm Barbara the nurse"

I turn and saw a women in her mid fifties with some gray hair.

Before I could speak the door opened and Zayn camp through.

"Is he aw- Louis!" He ran over and pulled me into a hug.

"I thought I killed you"

"Can't breath Zee" I say

He lets go as I fix my shirt then my heart dropped. The key was gone.

"Zayn! My necklace!" I screamed.

"It's right here don't worry I took it off you." He said handing it to me.

I put in on as we walk out of the room. We just made it out of the room when I saw myself in a mirror. I stop, I have I huge cut across my forehead and a bruise under my eye. Cuts littered my face, neck and arms.

"Shit, I look like I got in a bar fight Zee!" I say turning to him.

He smiled taking it as a joke.

"Just say you should have seen the other guy." Zayn said.

"Zee! Take me seriously!" I say hiding behind the door of the boys bathroom that was beside the nurses office.

"Here, It's my sister's" He said hading me a compact thing.

I run into the bathroom quickly apiling the makeup. I was walking out when I ran into someone knocking us both over. We both fell back making me drop the compact.

"Ouch" I say sitting up. I really need to stop running into people.

"It's my f- Wait your that fag from earlier!" I look up and saw the boy I ran into was the one I kicked in the balls this morning.

Before I could even say anything he had me pined to the wall holding both my hands with one of his. Then he spotted the compact.

"Does the fairy boy wear makeup? Is the faggot going to cry?" He said then punched me in the stomach.

I groaned in pain as his fist connected with my hip. He then let my arms go and kicked me again and again.

"Zayn" I whimper out.

Then it stopped. I look up and and saw Zayn had the boy pinned. I could see veins popped out of his neck. Sh*t Zayn is pissed.

"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TOUCH HIM ONE MORE TIME I WILL CUT YOUR F*CKING D*CK OFF!" Zayn's voice bounced off the walls of the bathroom making me whimper.

Zayn then dropped the boy.

"Leave" Zayn growled out.

The boy ran out of the bathroom as soon as those words left Zayn's mouth.

"Z-Z-Zayn?" I whimper out.

I feel someone lift me up bridal style.

"I c-can walk." I mumbled into his chest.

"No your hurt." He said and kept walking.

"Let me down." I mumbled.

When we got to the doors of what I'm guessing is the lunch room Zayn sat me down and wrapped his arm around my waist.

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