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Louis's POV

We just got back home and we we're in the living room watching Finding Nemo. I was snuggled into Zayn's side when he paused the movie.

"Why did you do that?" I ask looking up at him.

"You're still shaking." He paused. "Why did you......" He trailed off not knowing what to say.

" I-I...... W-Well... It's a long story." I say looking away from him.

"I won't judge, just please tell me." He said.

"O-Ok." I say looking up at him.

"It was about four years ago. My little sister Lottie was ten and I was thirteen. -

FLASHBACK ( Still Louis's POV )

Lottie and I were walking home from school. It was dark and snowing because we stayed for the lock in that they always had on the last day before Christmas break. Lottie dragged me through this ally. She said it was shortcut.

"Lots, We're going the wrong way. This is a dead end." I say taking her hand and turned around ,but I ran into someone.

I looked up and saw a man who had a ski mask on. He tried to reach out and grab Lottie ,but I stepped in front of him. He grabbed me then pushed my against the wall pinning me with one hand. I look behind him and saw a very scared Lottie. Then I said one word that I thought would be my last.


Lottie runs out of the ally and into the cold darkness of the night.

I felt his other grip my thigh and move my legs apart.

"L-Let me go." I say struggling to get away from him.

"You want this you know you do."

"No ,I don't." I say as his grip tightened.

He then ripped my shirt and jacket off as the snow fell around us.

"S-S-Stop" I studded out.

"You want this."

My pants were ripped next. I was standing in the middle of a freezing ally in my boxers. That's when I heard sirens. The man pushed my into the snow and ran off leaving me to die.


"They never found out who he was."

When I finished I was sobbing into Zayn's chest.

"Shhh. Boo it's ok. I'll tell the guys to come over tomorrow. I'll take you up to bed you need some sleep."

He picks me up bridle style and takes me upstairs to my room. He lays me on the bed and covers me with a blanket.

"Bye Boo." He said then left the room.

I heard the front door shut then his bike start. A few minutes later I felt the bed dip beside me.

"Boo? You awake?" Harry asks.

I instaly jump up and into his lap.

"Hazza I found a key." I whimper out.

"Bravery." I say taking off the necklace and handing it to him.

"Louis there is two keys on this chain. Bravery and Pain? Louis who hurt you?" He said cupping my cheek. Then he saw the cuts on my face.

"I'm fine" I say looking up at him.

"Here." He slid his hand across the cut and soon it was gone.

"Thanks." I say cuddling into his chest.

"Lay down you need some sleep." He said.

I lay down and he lays down beside me wrapping his arms around me. I cuddle into him as hums Me And My Broken Heart by Rixton. Then I fall asleep in the arms of someone I love. Harry Styles.

Hey Again. :) Please go read my other stories and my entry for the young writers short story. :) I know it's short sorry. :'( Last day of summer. :'(

Questions Of The Day.

Should I do a character ask?

Favorite Song?

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