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This is inspired by Darkest Powers the book belonging to Kelley Armstrong, but characters and others stuff are mind, please, no "soft" copies, if you want to, tell me, and I'll see about it but I'll say no.

I swung my leg over the fence and jumped down. Feeling my back pocket of my shorts, I found the keys and pushed them through the garage lock, and slipped inside. I checked my watch. 1:09. My parents were asleep. I tiptoed through the kitchen avoiding the major creak spots, I crawled up the stairs earning a rug burn and turned left and went into my room. But not before checking underneath my parents door. Dark. Good.

"Not bad for a fifteen year old with overprotective parents" I muttered

I managed to get away with a couple scratches in the past but my parents started getting suspicious so I started wearing a mask. A hideous mask. Pulling back and releasing the band of the mask, my brown hair fell out from a bun and ended at my mid back. My green eyes tired looking.

I was never really "free" to do anything, I always had to ask permission. And then since I was thirteen I started having these rebel moments as my parents call them. And I geuss sneaking out was one of them.

After changing into my PJ's I climbed into bed exhausted.

My annoying alarm tune went off six hours later. Ugh. Thursdays.

If you ask me? I hate school, I've hated school and I will always hate school. No point. I was already smart enough. Half way through putting on my mascara, my phone vibrated on the table. I picked it up, Kate. A picture of a girl laughing with blonde hair (which I always envied) and hazel eyes popped up.

"Hey!" a cheerful voice came through when I answered.

Kate is my best friend. We were practically next to each other in the hospital baby see through boxes. We've grown up together, had crushes together and done everything together.


"Are you okay? You sound like shit"

"Thanks. Yeah, I'm just tired."

"Did you sneak out to Waters Bay?"

"Mmhmm.." I leaned the phone against my shoulder and started re applying my makeup

Kate knows about my midnight trips to Waters Bay. She doesn't understand it because she's most likely eating ice cream while at the gym. She miraculously never gains wait. I love Waters Bay because there was this little rock place where you could sit and see the water lapping against the shore.

"Well, be quick or else Mrs Wood-Tell is going to give you another detention" she said ending the conversation

I chuckled, like any teacher could give me a detention. I refused to go to them. I finished up and left the house without a word to my parents.

A/N: Hi Everyone! I have had tons of other Wattpad accounts and so this is just a little story I don't where it's going. I kind of have a style of writing that some people don't like.. So if it feels weird just move on! Thanks for reading (and commenting and anything else you do) -- Hans.

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