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I was sitting in the school cafeteria, my soul brother and creator sitting next to me, speaking with his mate. His conforming presence made me feel safe and in control, unafraid to be so close to humans.

I watched him talk with my sister Alice, the love shining intensely in their eyes, despite the lack of physical contact. They always refrained from physical contact in front of others, believing that the affections they feel towards each other should be just for their eyes.

I felt as if I was being impolite by staring, so I let my eyes wander to the next pair, my smile widening as I saw Rosalie's eyes glaring daggers at Emmet who, God bless him, continued with his teasing.

I often wondered how creatures so different could be mates, but I guess that in a way they complete one another.

Where Rosalie is stubborn Emmett is indulging, where Emmett is careless, Rosalie is attentive. Rosalie was too wound-up and Emmett showed her how to let lose. Together they made a whole.

My gaze slid from Emmett's face to Edward's, only for the smile to completely fade from my lips.

Edward looked... Furious.

His eyes were completely black as he glared at the new girl. He seemed to be at his wits end, like an animal ready to pounce. I haven't seen that expression since the 40's, and for that I was greatly grateful. But it is for that fact that fear nestled inside me as I took Edward's expression in, taking an unnecessary breath.

"Edward?" I whispered slowly. This seemed to get the attention of our siblings, as they all turned to watch Edward, worried expression on each of our faces.

The boy in question continued to glare daggers at the girl, before speaking softly, so that no human could hear.

"I can't read her. "

I bit my lip as I watched him, all of us silent for a moment before Emmett laughed.

"Losing your touch from old age?" he teased, and we all found ourselves chucking, even Edward's lips twitched in an half smile, before he resumed his glaring.

"Do you want me to try?" I found myself asking. I rarely read people's minds, not liking the feeling of being locked in a room with too many people yelling. But Edward is my brother, and if he wanted me to read this girl, than I will.

He quickly nodded his head, not turning his head to face me. I took a deep breath as I let my shield down, wincing slightly as my mind got attacked by hundreds of thoughts before turning my attention towards miss Isabella Swan, only to find nothing. It's like there was a barrier between her and the rest if the word that didn't allow anyone inside. I found myself concentrating, trying to find a weak spot, but failing in my attempt.

As I turned to face Edward I caught a glimpse of his thoughts.

"She's my singer. "

A gasp left my lips, my eye widening at his words. Singer.

I felt my siblings gaze upon my skin but a single look from Edward immobilized me.


"Darling, what's wrong?" I heard Jasper's gentle voice ask me. It painted me to lie to him, but something in Edward's eyes, the desperation they held made me do it anyway.

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