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She hovered over me pressing her body against mines I felt hot she whispered in my ear " you know you want me just as much as I want you just let me have my way and I promise you won't regret it" rubbing her hand further up my skirt I began to yearn her touch more I felt myself leaning into her as our lips touch she carried me to her desk laying me down our lips never broke away from each other she unbuttoned my blouse easing it off my shoulders exposing my breast she kissed down the middle leaving love marks she came back up and took one of my breast in her mouth and began to suck on my nipple making a ocean brew between my thighs I bit my lip to keep from moaning she looked at me with a smirk and began to pull my skirt down once she got it off she squeezed my thighs pushing one up to my chest to kiss the inner part she started to caress me gently I let a few moans escape she pulled my panties down and spread my legs apart she looked from me to my wet mound just licking her lips like I was her prey "I'm gonna take good care of you enjoy"

*beep beep*

I woke up drenched in sweat and my panties wet I've been having this same dream over and over for the past 3 weeks is this a sign I couldn't recognize her voice nor was her facial features evident why the hell was I having this dream.

I did my hygiene and got dressed it was around 7 so I decided that I would leave early, didn't want to make a bad first impression, the job I interviewed for was a assistant to Ms. Brantley as in Jasmine Brantley one of the most well known fashion design in LA. She wasn't there to actually interview me one of her staff members did and from what they told me I don't think I'm prepared for it.

When I arrived all I could think was lord be with me. I got out my car and fixed my dress I grabbed my bag and headed in I was immediately greeted by Gil one of Jasmine's employees and closest friend

" GoodMorning I uh didn't catch your name last time"

"I'm Tia "

"Well GoodMorning Tia Jasmine's office is on the second floor straight down on the right good thing you came in early cause she being a little bit of a bitch this morning"

" GoodMorning Gil and thanks"

" no problem dime and welcome to L'Mita fashions "he walked off to his office

I walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor I mumbled under my breath "here we go"


I went in my office and called Jasmine

"What Gil" she said with annoyance

"Bihh your assistant" I said sippin my tea

"What about her please don't tell me she ugly cause I don't do ugly"

"Ouu Jo she far from ugly just keep your hands to yourself when you see her" I said with a smirk

"Stop smirking Gil"

"How you even whatever"

"I know you Gil anyway I think she coming down the hall I talk to you later"

"Bye Jo" I laughed

"Bye skittles" she chuckled


I heard heels down the hall so I ended my conversation with Gil there was a knock at my door indicating that she has arrived

"Come in" I called out not looking from file

"Umm Ms. Brantley" she said in a sweet innocent voice

"Yes" I looked up from my files and saw the most finest thing walking saying she was beautiful was a understatement she was a goddess oh the things I would do to her

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