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"Fuuuck" Tia still was in there moaning for her life I was feeding Mia

"Let's go get your auntie" I walked in her room seeing her face

"Damn" I laughed I couldn't' help it she looked completely fool

"Get this shit out of meeeee-ahhhh" she covered in sweat the sheets was soaked

"Be nice Tia"

"I'm gonna-I'm gonna..Shiit" she squirted, and that made a storm brew between my thighs

"Mhh I gotta have a taste of that, shit was sexy do it again"

"Jasmine get it OUUUUT" she did it again

"Ok I'm coming" I put Mia down on the couch while she played with her toy keys

"Uhhh gawd" her back arched towards the ceiling

"Let's pull this out"  I pulled out the vibrator and sucked her juices off. Damn she taste amazing. Her body was still trembling, her eyes were red her fingernails cut into her skin. I uncuffed her wrists and ankles her arms immediately dropped and she laid out on the bed like she was lifeless. I was satisfied with her but still wasn't gonna let her rest

I wrapped her legs around my neck and went in, I didn't care if her legs were sore or numb. I planned on eating desert before breakfast today

"Wait-uh Mia" I look over on the couch, she went to sleep

"She's sleep"

"Take her out the room I don't wanna wake her"

"Alright" I got Mia and put her in the guess room I was supposed be in. I came back and Tia was sleep. Hmmm I'll leave her alone. I went and got dressed in some sweat pants and a shirt . Ken came barging in

"Where's my best friend" Ken looked all through the house

"She's sleep" I said grabbing a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch

"What hell we was supposed to go shopping today, she's totally getting her ass up" Ken started upstairs

"No no let her sleep she's been up all night"

"The fuck you do to her, I swear you hurt her I'm beating your ass" soon she came down with Mia, hell she limping bad.

"Oh it's on" Ken started taking his shoes off

"Ken babes no don't hurt her it's my fault"

"What happened"

"I did something I know I shouldn't have" she said laying on the couch with Mia still sleep on her. I smirked at her as she just  rolled her eyes.Attitude. It'll be fixed later.

"What the hell you did that ya limping"

"Ken my mutha fucking jewel damn numb swole and sore , then my mf legs so damn weak. She left a damn vibrator in allllllllll night. A bitch sore and tired" I laughed she glanced her eyes over by me and I got up and sat by her. I wrapped my arms around as she tried to move from me

"It's like that now" I whispered in her ear

"I got Mia"

"Give her to Ken, I wanna talk to you" I spoke seductively in her ear

"Ken can you hold her"

"Yea best, give her here" she handed her over and I helped her to the lower floor guest room, I closed the door while she sat down

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